“Fuck no!” Niko shouted. “They’re entirely damn different.”
“They’re literally identical twins,” I said.
“Shut up, Gaz. They’re totally worlds apart. Don’t go comparing a diamond to a swamp.”
Anyway, I swear to fuck I don’t know how Brandon, a very well-mannered, quiet artist, not to mention a British guy who’s allergic to violence, could ever be with my unhinged cousin Niko, but I guess no one would expect someone like me to be with someone like Kayden, yet here we fucking are.
And following each other everywhere.
Though Kayden made the island his home base for me—and apparently owns the entire building we live in—he still travels for business.
Diva Jethro hated the island; I mean, he completely loathes the UK and its depressing weather, so I told him it’s not like he goes out anyway, which made both Kayden and Simone burst out laughing and Jethro transform into a bigger diva.
Seriously, we flew here two days ago, and he’s just cooped up in one of the houses Kayden owns nearby, being a major nerd. I know he’s been basically running the business with Kayden, but he’s weird, and I’ve honestly never seen him without a laptop.
Like, never.
The other day, I caught him spying on the Serpents’ mansion, and I don’t know what’s up with all that.
He’s strange, end of story.
Simone is amazing, though.
I wanted her to join us for dinner, but she vehemently refused to leave her post. No, seriously, we have more bodyguards than a mafia leader, and she’s still always obsessing about our security.
Which now leaves Kayden in unfriendly territory, sitting between Dad and Kill while Grandpa glares at him from the head of the table.
“Grandpa,” I say with a knowing look.
“What?” He cuts into his steak. “I don’t like my grandson dating someone his dad’s age. Call me old-fashioned.”
“I told you he’s thirty-three, definitely not Dad’s age.”
“Close enough,” he grumbles. “Right, Asher?”
“I have to say,” my father takes a sip of his wine, “I’m not thrilled to share a table with someone who made my son hurt himself.”
“Asher,” Mom scoffs. “Forgive and forget, you’ve heard of that?”
His eyes soften when looking at her, but he still says, “I don’t believe in that nonsense.”
“I agree to an extent.” Kill looks Kayden up and down, which he’s been doing since he first met him. On the island, he barged into our apartment, interrupting a little romantic dinner I planned, to meet ‘the prick,’ as he likes to call him. On the whole, ever since Kill realized I’m more like him, he’s been demanding that we spend time together.
But that night was bad timing. To say Kill looked horrified upon seeing me wrapped around Kayden would be an understatement.
I’ve never seen him with that wide-eyed expression before, almost as if he was seeing his life flash before his eyes.
I don’t care.
After I almost lost Kayden, I’m touching him all the time, appreciating every second I spend with him.
“You don’t have other young boys to take your pick from? Why did it have to be my brother?”
Glyn must kick him under the table, because he grunts, smiles at her, then glares back at Kayden.
My brother’s girl, who I truly appreciate for taming the motherfucker, touches my arm and gives me an apologetic look, mouthing, “You know how he is.”