Gareth takes an absentminded sip from the hot chocolate as he clicks on the show he was watching here three days ago. I don’t really watch TV and only got it and Netflix because he was complaining about the lack of both like a spoiled brat.
But seeing him so comfortable and natural in my space is worth it.
“Strawberry-flavored hot chocolate?” he asks, his eyes lighting up.
“How do you like it?”
“It’s amazing. Where’d you even find this?”
“Just stumbled across it.”
The kitten jumps onto his lap, startling him so badly, he nearly spills the drink.
“Ah, fuck, Kayde, get her off!”
I suppress a smile. “Relax and behave while I go change.”
“No, seriously. I’ll let you choke me with your cock if you just take her away.”
My dick twitches at the offer, but I play it cool. “Tempting. I’ll think about it.”
Chuckling, I step away, pretending to leave. Behind me, Gareth mutters curses under his breath, clearly unsure how to handle the kitten.
Eventually, I hear him mumbling, “Asshole.”
I’m by the corner, my dick seriously questioning why I’m sacrificing his well-being just to help Gareth work on his issues with animals.
He lacks some empathy toward them and that’s not good. It’s textbook criminal ASPD behavior, and I need him to be different from those monsters.
“Okay, little demon, what’s your deal?”
A loud meow answers him, and he sighs begrudgingly.
“Oh, hell no. Also, Mom said milk isn’t good for cats.” He tries to push her away and she falls, but then she climbs back up on his T-shirt.
“I guess a bit won’t hurt.”
He pours a small amount of hot chocolate into his palm and lifts it toward her. She laps it up eagerly, her tiny pink tongue darting out.
For a moment, Gareth looks…soft. His shoulders relax, and he carefully strokes her head, as if testing the waters. “You won’t scratch me, right?”
I smile and disappear into the bedroom, answer some texts, especially from my nephew—while I ignore my brother’s—and then I change into PJ bottoms.
When I finally join him again, Gareth is lying on his back on the sofa with the kitten curled up on his chest, purring loudly.
He looks up and his lips part, then he swallows thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing. It’s because of the glasses he’s gawking at me. Ever since I noticed he wouldn’t stop staring at me when I wear them, I started putting them on more often.
The other day, I fucked him while wearing them, and he was extra noisy. Well, until they fogged up and I had to remove them.
“Be quiet. She’s asleep,” he mutters.
“What happened to not wanting her near you?”
“She’s okay, I guess. Purrs like an engine for such a tiny thing.”