It’s concerning.
Now, why I am concerned about a literal psycho is anyone’s guess.
“Stop that,” he mutters, his voice quieter than usual.
“Stop what?”
“Ogling me like a massive pervert.”
“Why can’t I look at what’s mine?”
He turns away, but not before I catch the flush creeping up his neck.
At least, one thing hasn’t changed.
He acts like a goddamn menace, but he blushes around me. It’s endearing and adorable as fuck.
Once we’re dressed, I make sure he stays under the umbrella as we walk to his car.
“Give me your keys. I’ll drive if you’re tired.”
“No way. Do you even know how to drive this?”
“It’s a car, not a spaceship.”
He strokes the top of the car reverently. “It’s a special car. My twentieth birthday gift from Grandpa. The only one of its kind with its matte black-green exterior and 1,200 horsepower on a quad-turbo W16 engine that pushes 1,500 Nm of torque. Don’t get me started on the aerodynamic design that cuts through the air or the carbon body filter. You’re so special, aren’t you, Medusa?”
“You named your car Medusa?”
“Sure did. She’s badass.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Don’t listen to him, baby girl,” he murmurs, stroking the car like a lover.
Am I jealous of a goddamn car because he speaks to it so softly and calls it baby girl?
Yes. Yes, I fucking am.
Something scurries from under the car and both of us remain still as a rat climbs up Gareth’s leg.
Wait. Not a rat.
A small drenched black cat meows its head off, its tiny claws grabbing on to Gareth’s pants for dear life.
“Get it off me.” Gareth tries to wiggle his leg, but the cat holds on tighter.
“So it’s not just dogs. You’re also afraid of cats?” I ask, amused.
“No, I just don’t know how to deal with animals. They’re unpredictable little fuckers like kids.”
“It’s probably just hungry.” I hand him the umbrella and crouch down.
The cat lets out a pitiful meow, its tiny claws gripping Gareth’s pants.
“Hey, little one. You’re freaking out this big, tall muscular guy who loves stabbing things. Mind getting off?”
“I’m not freaking out. Just hurry up.”