Kill stands up and puts the phone to his ear. He smirks at me as he says, “Hi, Dad. I’ve been meaning to call you…”
My mood immediately darkens, and I throw the fork on the plate as my brother goes up the stairs as if he has some sort of secret with Dad.
He doesn’t.
But it still sours my fucking mood.
I need my arrows and a goddamn target.
Istep out of the taxi, pulling the lapels of my coat over my neck as I open the umbrella.
Because of course it’s raining, as per the UK’s shit weather.
My phone vibrates and I stare at Jethro’s name and consider not replying. Yes, he got me Gareth’s location by hacking into his phone, which is why I’m by the archery range, but now, he should kindly fuck off.
With a sigh, I pick up, fleetingly noticing the pretentious matte-green sports car parked by the entrance. “What do you want?”
“Aside from you returning to US soil and abandoning all this nonsense?”
“Aside from that, yes. Make it quick.”
“You’re obsessing way too much over that kid. You need to reconsider this and see if you’re doing it for the right reasons at this point.”
“If that’s all…”
“Management is struggling, and Grant is making everyone's life hell. You should come back, even temporarily?—”
I don’t even think about it, because I won’t. That would undoubtedly make me lose Gareth. He’s still trying to slip away at any chance possible, giving me the silent treatment and ignoring me in a heartbeat.
If I go away, he’ll be rid of me, and that’s just not on the menu.
“Just to pacify things,” Jethro insists. “It’s getting out of hand fast. Simone and I are straining to hold it together.”
“I said. No.”
“Is it because of the kid?” He pauses, and when I don’t reply, he speaks low. “Jesus Christ. Who the hell are you and what have you done with the Kayden I know?”
I hang up so he’ll stop blabbering in my ear.
But also because I have no answer to his last question. Jethro, of all people, would notice the change, but the truth remains, I have no clue what the fuck is happening to me.
Except that I lose any semblance of control at the sight of bright, expressive green eyes.
I’ve quit trying to explain it even to myself, stopped being all-consumed in my thoughts, and chose to just feel.
For the first time in a long time, I feel alive.
I’m here.
Breathing properly.
I’ll think about everything else later.