Enough to spend hours practicing archery and bite my fingers unconsciously.
Niko scoffs at Kill. “What the actual fuck, Satan’s heir? Glyn is more important than me?”
“Not sure why that’s a question. Of course she is.”
“This motherfucker?—”
“I’m also busy, Niko,” Jeremy says, peeking at his phone.
“With what?”
“Well, un-busy yourself and join me. What are bros for?”
“Can’t. You should stay away as well.”
“Well, fuck me sideways, I’m left with pacifist Gaz.” He narrows his eyes on me. “Don’t bore me to tears with all the reasons why I shouldn’t do this either.”
“Ask Vaughn to join,” I say.
“The most useless of all due to his constant absence. Why the fuck that little shit is still in New York is beyond me.”
“I’ll convince him.”
“You fighting will be more possible than him flying here without an initiation.”
I tap my fingers on the table, then grab my phone. “Let me try something.”
So I also need Vaughn to show up and put a leash on that motherfucker Yulian. And no, Niko beating him up isn’t a permanent solution.
Also no, this has nothing to do with how I saw Yulian laughing and hitting Kayden on the shoulder on campus.
V, miss me?
Only if you missed me, G.
Of course I did.
Something tells me you’re going to manipulate me now.
Aw, you have that little faith in me?
Sometimes. Let’s hear it.
I’m only texting to see how you’re doing with your girlfriend.
Wow. She really cheated with Yulian? That sucks, man.
I had my revenge :)
Do you believe the initiation night was enough?