Page 131 of Kiss the Villain

So three days is too much according to my body, because I can’t sleep properly now and woke up with a headache.

Honestly, I’m the best sleeper I know. It’s blasphemous that I’m struggling now.

Come to think of it, the only other time I couldn’t sleep was after I first met the prick.

And to make things worse, last night, I dreamt of him holding me until I fell asleep.


Seriously, kill me.

I mean, he’s disturbingly soft after sex, and I kind of like the contrast. It was weird in the beginning, but I don’t fight when he wipes me down or puts ointment on my ass, or even when he steps in the shower with me and lathers me with soap—that usually ends with another fuck, though.

But while he slides in bed with me, he never holds me, and he’s always not there when I wake up. Either swimming or working out or brewing his fucking coffee while listening to classical music.

And it’s not like I want him to hold me.


I never have in relationships, and I’mnotneedy.

Anyway, that dream was a hoax, and he can choke.

“Hear me out.” Niko jumps up while we’re having dinner, pulling me from my macabre thoughts. “We go to the Serpents’ mansion tonight and play with those motherfuckers.”

“Not unless you want them to play with us.” I swirl my fork in the spaghetti, not bothering to bring anything to my mouth.

“Gaz, I’m telling you this for the final time.” Niko glares at me. “Stop being a killjoy.”

He’s half naked, as usual, all his weird tattoos, mostly gotten on a whim, on full display. His long dark hair is pulled into a messy bun.

Jeremy looks up from his phone after he’s been half smiling at it like a goddamn idiot. “He’s right. They tightened their security after last week, Niko.”

“Worst sidekicks ever,” he grumbles and throws his massive body on the chair, and it rattles under his weight. “Satan’s heir?”

“After last week, I’m not in the mood.” Kill is speaking without looking up, busy texting with Glyn, if the permanent smirk is any indication.

“Last week was a necessity for revenge and to single a rat out. This is different. I want to pummel Yulian to the ground. How about this? If any of you backs me up, I’ll let them name my firstborn.” He pauses, then his lips curl in an evil grin as he mumbles, “If I have one. Maybe I need to ask about kids on the next run. Too soon? Would that be a turn-off? Hmm.”

“What are you talking to yourself about?” Jeremy asks, watching him closely. “You good there, man?”

“Never been better.” Niko’s grin widens, but then he frowns. “Focus, Jer. Yulian. I want a fight with that prick. He throws a good punch, like a fucking bear.”

“Then fight him in the underground ring,” Kill says, still focused on his phone. “He loves that place as much as you do.”

“Nah, doesn’t feel as euphoric as pummeling him in his own castle with all those little bitches screaming their heads off around him.” He laughs, getting all excited at the idea of violence. “I’ll need you all to join.”

“Pass. I’d rather be with my Glyn,” Kill says.

He and his girlfriend have been joined at the hip for a while now, but it’s gotten more serious after he took her home with us over a week ago. To meet Mom and Dad.

The trip during which he had a heart-to-heart with Dad—or Dad did. He apologized to Kill, too, for everything. Dad has been calling him more than me lately, pushing me to the background so he can fix his relationship with his real golden child.

I knew this day would eventually come. That Kill would finally face Dad, and Dad would feel guilty and try to repair things. Or that I’d slip, and they’d find out, and I’d be worse off than Kill. Because he’s at least unapologetically himself. I’ve been deceiving them all this time.

But it happened too soon.

And it’s been fucking with my head. Add the whole thing about fucking my professor, and I’m twitchy.