“Rachel mentioned it,” I say with a shrug. “Why did you choose your dad over your moms?”
He stills, his gaze getting lost in the distance. “Sometimes the choice is made for you.”
“In what sense?”
“Like when I gave you no way out. You don’t have a choice in being with me, baby.”
“I can still choose to stab you. Don’t test me.”
He chuckles. “Always a little menace, Carson.”
“Why do you call me that?” My eyes widen. “Do you evenknowmy first name?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then say it.”
He remains quiet and I narrow my eyes. “You really don’t!”
“Gareth Carson, son of Asher and Reina Carson. The older brother of Killian Carson. Grandson of Alexander Carson. Is that enough for you?”
“You didn’t have to go full stalker mode.”
He strokes the rim of his glasses, his long fingers sliding up and down, and it’s so distracting, I barely hear him. “Do you like being a Carson?”
“I guess. I like being born into my family.”
“Of course you do.” He scoffs, the sound so unlike him, it makes me frown.
But I can’t read him, because he slowly stands, takes his newspaper and the glasses, then retrieves his briefcase.
“You’re leaving for school this early?” I ask.
“Unlike some students with supercars, I’m walking.”
“You can just get a car. Surely you can afford it.” I swallow the last bit of strawberry and stand up. “I can drive you if you ask nicely.”
“I prefer to walk.”
“Whatever, not that I was dying to drive you.”
“Suits us both then. Great.”
He puts on his coat and scarf, and then he’s out the door before I can call him names.
Hope he breaks his legs on his walk.
Why was I trying to do something nice for him anyway? As if I wanted to take care of him or something equally ridiculous.
Turns out, he ended up being the one fucking me.