Even before him, I picked girls based on vibes, not attraction. I got off, but not like this. Not like now, where I can’t stop staring at his lips.
I shrug, feigning indifference.
“Who do you find attractive, hmm?” His voice darkens. “Morgan? Cherry?”
“You were the one drooling over Jessica. Stop with the mixed signals.”
“I said that to piss you off.”
“Well, I let Morgan touch me to pissyouoff.”
He narrows his eyes, and I narrow mine back.
“Lose the attitude, Carson.”
“I’m just mirroring yours, Professor.”
“Yes,Professor?” I grin, and he exhales sharply, clearly torn between anger and amusement.
We eat in silence for a while, until he stands and rummages around in the living room.
When he returns wearing thick-framed black glasses, my brain kind of short-circuits.
He looks hotter. How is that evenpossible?
Are people supposed to look even more attractive with glasses or am I just tripping?
Soon, though, he starts readingThe Financial Times—gag—hiding his face and the glasses.
“Next time,” I say in an attempt to get his attention, “order strawberry cheesecake.”
“And granola.”
“And strawberry protein bars.”
“Will do.”
“You should also consider getting a TV. You know, like normal people.”
He lowers the paper, his glasses amplifying the sharpness in his eyes. “Anything else?”
“I’ll make a list.”
“You’ve been a spoiled brat your whole life, haven’t you?”
“Oh, please, you’re spoiled by your moms, too.” And because I can’t stop staring, I say, “Why haven’t I seen you wear glasses at school? Are they just reading glasses?”
“Yes.” He pulls out a cigarette.
Before he can light it, I snatch it away.