Page 125 of Kiss the Villain

This isn’t normal.

Why am I hyperaware of him?

“Don’t just stand there gawking,” he says, motioning to the chair opposite him. “Sit down.”

“I’m not gawking.”

“Drooling, then?”

“Ugh. Get over yourself.”

He grabs me by the waist and yanks me down, and I hiss when my bruised ass lands on his thighs.

His minty breath ghosts over my jaw as he murmurs, “Don’t be a brat, or I’ll bend you over my knee and give you a good spanking.”

I purse my lips because, why the fuck would I find that…interesting?

“Like fuck you will,” I whisper.

“Language.” His grip tightens, and his scent floods my senses and I discreetly sniff him.

“You don’t mind the language when you’re—” I cut myself off.

“When I’m fucking your brains out? It’s fine then. I love seeing you lose control because you love my cock so much.”

“I do not,” I snap, shoving off his lap and stalking to the chair. My cheeks burn like hellfire, and the bastardknowsit.

He smiles as I sit. My ass throbs, and I make a mental note to cover every hickey and mark he left on my neck and collarbone. Might have to wear turtlenecks or something. What a hassle.

I clear my throat. “Why do you always brew coffee?”

“It’s calming and I like the smell.”

“But you always throw away the full bag of beans after.”

“I’m particular about my coffee. It needs to be roasted just right.”

“You’re particular about a lot of things. Your coffee, your whiskey, your music. Even how things are organized around your house.”

“My. The stalkerish habits are showing.”

“I’m just observant.” I swallow a piece of strawberry. “Do you ever cook?”

He sips his coffee, that infuriating smirk back. “Why? Want me to cook for you?”

“I never said that.”

The smirk widens. “I don’t cook. No passion for it.”

“Me neither.”

“See?” He lifts his cup in a mock toast. “We have so much in common, baby.”

I stab a strawberry with my fork. “Would you stop calling me that?”

“Baby? But you loved it last night. Your cock got hard every time I said it.”

I nearly choke but manage to swallow. “That’s different.”