“Shh.” He taps the gun on my mouth. “I don’t want to hear your revolting voice.”
The fuck is wrong with this asshole? My voice is deep, composed, and always gets the girls hot and bothered. I have a beautiful voice. Everyoneknowsthat.
Every. Fucking. One.
So howdarehe?
With the gun to my mouth, he unbuckles his belt with his free hand, and I stare in a rare, dumbfounded moment as he pulls out his half-erect cock.
Did this creep get hard by threatening me? Bringing me to my knees?
The veins on the back of his large hand bulge as he fists his cock.
And it’s a big cock. A bit bigger than mine, to my dismay, and I have a pretty monstrous one.
The thing he has in his hand should be castrated eunuch style.
“Don’t just look.” He slaps the side of my mouth with the underside of his cock, his masculine smell invading my nostrils. “Make those revolting lips useful and suck.”
“That’d be a fuck no. Thanks.” I start to get up, but the grip of his gun hits the top of my head and I fall back down.
“I’m sorry. Did it sound like I was asking? Open your fucking mouth so I can use you like a nameless whore.”
My head and knees throb, but I have a high pain tolerance, so physical discomfort has never really fazed me.
It’s what he called me.
A whore.
Me, Gareth fucking Carson, awhore?
This bitch has pushed every limit and will now die. Thanks for coming to my show.
I open my mouth wide. The thought of letting someone use me, let alone a damn fucking man, disgusts me to my core, and it’s hard not to think about throwing up.
It’s physically excruciating to be in this position and allow a cock intomymouth.
But that’s okay because it’ll only last a second.
The man thrusts his dick in my mouth. “I expected more resistance, but you seem eager to suck cock like a dirty little slut.”
I look him in the eye as I clamp my teeth on his girth. I’m about to bite his limp dick off when he grabs a handful of my hair and tugs me back so hard, my neck nearly breaks.
His cock slips out of my mouth as he points the gun beneath my jaw. “Do that again and I’ll fuck your ass raw. And I’ll make sure you bleed before I blow your head off.”
I glare up at him. “Or you can just let me go, and I’ll consider not reporting you for sexual assault.”
He laughs, the sound unhinged. “The same sexual assault you planned for Yulian? The one I actually have evidence for?”
“One I didn’t go through with.”
“But you would’ve if given the chance.”
“Does a wrong cancel a wrong?”
“No.” The motherfucker slaps my mouth with his cock as he digs his fingers into my cheeks—putting his repulsive fingers on meagain. “But it sure feels good.”
He forces my mouth open, and I let him. Mostly because his gun is now pointing at the top of my head, and I can’t die and have this prick move along with his life as if nothing happened.