Page 164 of Wilde and Deadly

As the group walked toward the elevator, Davey hung back to text his parents. He had planned to anyway. He wanted to see them, and he wanted his dog back. He missed Luka.

Dinner tonight? Italian place on Fifth with Rowan and me. Thought you might want to come and meet the woman I plan to marry. Gabe and Audrey will be there, too.

Mom: WHAT?!

Dad: Oh, hell yes. I never miss an opportunity to annoy Gabe Bristow.

Davey huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. Of course. Mom was already hyperventilating, and Dad was gearing up for chaos. Gabe was definitely going to regret inviting them, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

See you soon. I’ll pick up Luka after dinner.

He pocketed his phone and ran to catch up with the Bristows, only to find Rowan and Rue right there in the hall by his office door, murmuring to each other.

“We good?” Rue’s voice.

He paused. The conversation seemed intense, and he didn’t want to interrupt.

Rowan bumped her shoulder against Rue’s. “We’re good.”

A flicker of something crossed Rue’s face—relief, maybe. But she didn’t say anything, just nodded.

Rowan’s voice softened. “You know I’m always here for you, right? Even if I’m not physically with you. Just call, and I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

Rue exhaled, then gave Rowan a quick hug before sprinting ahead to catch up to their parents.

Davey walked over to Rowan. “What was that about?”

Her hand slipped into his. “Sister stuff.”

That was vague as hell, but he wasn’t about to push. She’d tell him about it when she was ready.

She squeezed his hand and nodded toward her family. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”

“Easy for you to say. You weren’t the one getting your hand crushed.” He flexed his hand and swore he could still feel her father’s punishing grip.

Rowan smirked. “Consider it a rite of passage. You survived the Gabe Bristow handshake. That’s more than most can say.” She tilted her head up, hazel eyes gleaming with mischief. “And, by the way… you told Dad you were going to marry me.”

“Yeah, I did. Just told my parents, too.”

She scoffed. “And when were you planning on tellingme?”

“I already did. I told you I want forever.”

Rowan’s lips parted slightly, her steps slowing as she searched his face. “You meant it?”

He turned to her fully, lifting his free hand to tuck a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear. His thumb lingered, brushing over the delicate curve of her cheek. “I don’t say things I don’t mean, Hellcat.”

Her breath caught.

And for once, she didn’t have a snarky reply.

Instead, she curled her fingers into his shirt, fisting the fabric and dragging him closer. “Seems to me you missed a crucial step. You’re supposed to ask me, Wilde.”

Something in his chest snapped, unraveled, and reformed into more than he knew how to hold.

He thought of his parents and Gabe and Audrey. He wanted what they had. Thirty years from now, he still wanted Rowan pushing his buttons, driving him insane, making his life better in every single way.

And just like that, he knew.