“Ah,mon ami,” Sabin started, his tone softer now, but Elliot held up a hand, stopping him before he could say more.
“No, it is. I brought Brody into our lives, into our company. I vouched for him, so he’s my responsibility. I’m not sitting on the sidelines for this, so fill me in. Or…” He started toward one of the computer stations. “We can waste time while I fill myself in.”
Davey exhaled through his nose. He could argue—should argue—but it was a fight he wasn’t going to win. And so he filled Elliot in on what they knew.
Elliot nodded as he listened. “And Sully’s in the wind?
“Yeah, Sullivan took off as soon as Frost dropped Brody’s name as the mole.”
“That makes Sully a problem for Brody and for us,” Elliot said. “Sullivan knows him like nobody else. If he leaves Sully alive, that’s like exposing his jugular for an attack.”
Davey stilled, the pieces clicking together. Brody had run out of moves. He had no exit strategy, no contingency plan. Sully, knowing the truth, meant Brody couldn’t just disappear—he’d be hunted. Which meant he was more desperate than ever. A dangerous, cornered man.
Before Davey could respond, Daphne let out a frustrated growl. The entire room stilled as she shoved away from her desk and turned to scowl at them.
“What is it?” Davey asked.
“I need quiet to work. You all hovering isn’t helping.”
Rowan arched a brow. “You’re kicking us out?”
“Yes. Leave. Now.” Daphne pointed to the door. “Give me space, and I’ll have something real for you. Until then, go breathe or eat or fuck or whatever it is you do when you’re not making my job harder.”
Silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken questions. Then, Rowan cracked her knuckles, and Sabin let out an exaggerated sigh. “Well, I don’t have a choice on breathing, but I could eat or fuck or both.” He smirked, casting a glance around the room. “Any volunteers?”
“No, thanks,” Dom said. “You’re pretty and all, Cavalier, but I prefer females.”
Sabin spread his hands, utterly unbothered. “Me, too. But we’re short on time, and Daphne told us to fuck. I’m nothing if not efficient.”
Daphne groaned and rubbed at her temples. “Get. Out. Seriously. Before I throw something at one of you.”
Sabin headed for the door but stopped and glanced over his shoulder. “This isn’t your fault, Elliot.” He grinned again, but this one was not from the playful, joking Sabin. This was the predator’s grin, and it was all sharp edges. “And Brody’s not going to like what’s coming next. I can promise you that.”
Elliot scoffed lightly, but there was no humor in it. “Yeah, well, that doesn’t change the fact that I handed him the keys and welcomed him in.”
Davey knew the weight of that guilt, had carried it before. “You can beat yourself up about it after we get Liam back.”
Elliot didn’t answer right away, but the tension in his jaw loosened slightly. He gave a short nod, then gestured toward the door. “Let’s let Daph do her job so we find this son of a bitch.”
Everyone followed him out, but Davey hesitated.
Daphne glanced over at him. “That means you, too, Davey. I can’t work with you looming like the world’s most stressed-out gargoyle.” Her gaze slid to Rowan before returning to him. “I wasn’t joking earlier with the breathe, eat, fuck comment. This might take a while, and you need to relax.”
Breathe. Eat. Fuck.
The last two weren’t happening, but he could manage the first.
He exhaled, but the unease still coiled tight in his chest. The feeling of helplessness gnawed at him, an itch beneath his skin that no amount of planning or strategizing could soothe. Stepping back went against every instinct, but right now, he had no choice. He reminded himself that waiting—letting Daphne work—was action in itself.
“All right. I’ll be in my office. Let me know the moment anything pops.”
As they left, Rowan weaved her fingers through his, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. The warmth of the gesture anchored him, a quiet reassurance that he wasn’t carrying this alone. He didn’t acknowledge it, but he didn’t pull away either. And for the first time since the sniper attack at the cafe, he let himself take a deep breath.
Rowan followedDavey down the hall, her heartbeat steady but purposeful. As soon as they stepped into his office, she reached past him, closed the door, and turned the lock with a decisive click.