Page 100 of Wilde and Deadly

The sniper was gone.

And now, the cops were here.

Davey had stopped moving. He stood at the center of the chaos, gun still in his hand, breathing hard. He looked wired—adrenaline still riding him hard—but his eyes found hers immediately.

She didn’t know what he was expecting.

Relief? Praise?

Too bad.

She stalked toward him.

“What the hell was that?” she snapped.

Davey dragged a hand through his hair. “Buying you time.”

She swore. “You?—”

“I need to know where Liam is.”

That stopped her.

She blinked. “What?”

Davey turned to Sabin, his expression sharp. “Tell me you were with him. Tell me you know exactly where he is.”


Sabin hesitated. “No. He—uh—went to take Daphne back to her lab and get food.”

“When?” Davey’s voice came out too sharp, too fast. A single, deadly demand.

Rowan’s stomach dropped. It wasn’t just urgency. It was fear.

Sabin rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. “He said he’d be back in an hour. I figure he’s at the safe house wondering where the hell we are.”

Davey’s jaw clenched. “Then let’s go.”

Rowan didn’t argue.

Because suddenly, her gut was screaming again.


Davey shovedthe door open first, gun in hand, clearing the entry before stepping inside.

The apartment was silent.

Too silent.

His stomach twisted.

“Liam?” Rowan called, already moving toward the back rooms.


Sabin checked the kitchen, the bathroom—every possible place Liam could be. He reappeared a moment later, his face unreadable, as he grabbed his phone and tapped out a text message, probably to Daphne.