“Come on,” Lila said gently, sensing my discomfort. “Let’s go upstairs and get you settled in your room.”
As we left the living room, I couldn’t help casting one last glance at the strap. It hung there innocuously, but its presenceseemed to fill the entire room. A silent warning, a promise of consequences for those who stepped out of line.
I followed Lila and Lydia up the stairs, my legs feeling like lead. The weight of my impending punishment pressed down on me, made all the more real by the sight of that strap.
They led me up the polished wooden staircase to the second floor. The hallway was lined with closed doors, each bearing a small brass nameplate. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed one that read ‘Andrea.’
“This is your room,” Lila said softly, opening the door.
I stepped inside, my eyes widening as I took in my new living space. The room was small but cozy, with pale blue walls and white curtains framing a large window that overlooked the sprawling fields beyond. A narrow bed with a patchwork quilt occupied one corner, while a simple wooden desk and chair sat beneath the window. A tall wardrobe stood against the opposite wall.
“It’s… nice,” I managed.
Lydia moved to the wardrobe, opening its doors to reveal a row of modest dresses in various pastel shades. “These are your new clothes,” she explained. “You’ll need to change into one of these right away.”
I ran my fingers over the soft fabric of a pale yellow dress, my stomach churning. “Do I… do I have to wear these all the time?”
Lila nodded. “Except on Saturdays, if you’ve behaved well. Then you’re allowed to wear pants.”
As I stared at the dresses, a thousand questions bubbled up inside me. “What exactly are we being… I don’t know…trainedfor?” I asked, turning to face the other girls. “The app mentioned something about becoming… you know… submissive brides?”
Lila and Lydia exchanged a glance, as if they felt hesitant to fill me in.
“That’s right,” Lydia said finally. “We’re here to learn how to be proper wives and homemakers. To serve our future husbands and maintain an orderly household.”
I felt my face grow hot. “But… but what about our own dreams? Our careers?”
Lila placed a gentle hand on my arm. “This is our career now, Andrea. Our purpose. It takes time to accept, but… it can be fulfilling, in its own way.”
I shook my head, struggling to process this information. “How long have you been here? Do you… do you like it?”
“I’ve been here for eight months,” Lila said. “Lydia for almost a year. And… yes, we’ve come to appreciate this life. It’s not always easy, but there’s comfort in knowing your place, in serving others.”
Lydia nodded in agreement. “The hardest part at first is the discipline. Mr. Weathers is strict, but fair. If you obey the rules and show a willing spirit, you’ll be fine.”
I swallowed hard, remembering the strap hanging in the living room. “And… and what if I don’t? What if I can’t adjust to this?”
Lila’s eyes filled with sympathy. “Then there will be consequences,” she said simply.
Lydia hastened to elaborate, as if she thought it would help. “The only really difficult part is being available to the associates, while you don’t have an accepted suitor.”
I blinked wide eyes at both of them.
“Available? To… to who?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. My heart pounded in my chest and a terribly unwelcome heat seemed to creep all over my body as my mind tried to grasp what they meant.
Lila and Lydia looked at each other again, their expressions a mix of sympathy and resignation.
“To the associates,” Lila repeated softly, her hazel eyes meeting mine. “The men who work for Mr. Weathers in one way or another.”
I felt my brow furrow in confusion. “What do you mean, ‘work for him’? And… and what exactly does ‘available’ mean?” The words tumbled out in a rush, my voice rising slightly with each question.
Lydia took a deep breath, her auburn braid swinging slightly as she shook her head. “The associates are the men who work at the robofarm or at the feed store in town. They’re… well, they’re allowed to, um, use us. To help them relax.”
My eyes widened in shock, my mouth falling open. “Useyou? What… what does that mean exactly?” Even as I asked, a part of me knew the answer, dreaded hearing it spoken aloud.