“You know, Andrea,” he said conversationally. “I’ve always thought doing dishes naked was an excellent idea. Saves on laundry, don’t you think?”
I mumbled something noncommittal, wishing I could sink into the floor and disappear. Devin chuckled, his breath hot on my neck. “Of course, it does present certain… risks. One wrong move and you could end up with soap suds in all sorts of interesting places.”
As if to demonstrate, he reached around me to grab a sponge, his arm brushing against my bare breast. I gasped involuntarily, my body betraying me once again as my nipple hardened at the contact.
“Oh, my,” Devin said, his voice low and amused. “Seems like someone’s enjoying her punishment. That’s alright, though: the strap will make you think better of it.”
My whole body went hot, there in the kitchen, as I remembered Dylan’s touch. How I had enjoyed being made to pleasure him with my mouth—despite that persistent part of me still thinking it was wrong to get aroused by such rough treatment. How I had clenched, down there, at the way he had gripped my hair, guiding my movements as I took him between my lips.
I shivered, forcing myself to move on to the living room to vacuum, but the memories kept replaying themselves. Dylan had taken off my dress, and then my training panties. Then, before he had straddled me in that hyper-dominant way, my training bra. He had thrust his huge, hard penis between my breasts. He had made me kiss its soft tip as it went back and forth, taking its pleasure as my suitor chose. To my shame, it had turned me on intensely, my pussy growing wet and needy.
As I pushed the vacuum across the carpet, I remembered how I had touched myself as I had replayed the scene in my mind. I wanted to touch myself again, despite everything. I wantedDylan’s cock in my mouth, as if to give me permission to feel the pleasure locked inside me.
In my mind, Dylan’s cock filled me completely, his low growls of pleasure echoing in my ears. He had held himself deep, and his penis had spasmed in my mouth and I had been made to swallow his hot seed… he did all those things again, in my imagination, as I vacuumed, no matter how I tried to push the images and the sense-memories away.
Even then, there in the living room, I couldn’t help it: I squeezed my thighs together, feeling the telltale warmth building between my legs. I tried to focus on the vacuum, the carpet fibers, to banish the lustful thoughts. But my traitorous body continued to react, my nipples hardening in the open air. I yearned to touch myself, to find some relief from the aching need. The sight of the strap, hanging on the mantel, utterly forbade it, though to my dismay it also seemed to make the problem worse.
To my horror, I felt a trickle of moisture slowly making its way down my inner thigh. I clenched my muscles, trying desperately to stem the flow of my arousal, but it was no use. My cheeks burned with humiliation as I imagined Greta or Devin noticing the glistening trail on my leg.
Even worse was the fear that they might catch a whiff of my shameful excitement. The musky scent of my arousal seemed to fill my nostrils, and I was certain anyone who came close would be able to smell my need. I scrubbed furiously at an imaginary spot on the coffee table, hoping the lemony scent of furniture polish would mask my body’s betrayal.
Just then, the doorbell rang. My heart began to race as I heard Greta answer it, Travis’s deep voice drifting in from theentryway. I straightened up quickly, looking around frantically for somewhere to hide my naked form.
But before I could make a move, Greta’s voice rang out. “Andrea, come here a sec, honey.”
My heart pounded as I made my way to the front door, every step an agonizing reminder of my nakedness. I wanted to cover myself with my hands, but I knew Greta would only find some way to punish me for it. The air from the open door raised goosebumps across my skin, making my nipples tighten even further.
Greta stood by the doorway, her expression a mixture of stern disapproval and smug satisfaction. Travis loomed next to her, his tall frame filling the entrance. His eyebrows rose as his eyes fell upon my nude form, and he smiled broadly as he looked me up and down.
“Andrea,” Greta said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. “Travis here has a meeting with Devin. I need you to take care of something.”
I mumbled a greeting, my face burning with humiliation. I could feel Travis’s eyes on me; he made no attempt not to stare openly. The weight of his gaze made me acutely aware of every curve and hollow of my body.
“Travis, hon, you’re probably wondering why our Andrea is in such a state of undress,” Greta continued, as if discussing the weather. “Well, it seems our little minx couldn’t keep her hands to herself this morning. Devin and I thought a day of nudity might help cool her ardor.”
Travis chuckled. “I see,” he said, his voice gruff. “That’s good to know. I’m sure she’ll think twice next time.”
“Well, we’ll see, won’t we?” Greta said, waving her hand dismissively, then turning to me. “Andrea, Devin wants you to tidy up his office before he meets with Travis. Why don’t you run along and do that now?”
Grateful for the excuse to escape, I nodded quickly and turned to go. As I walked away, I could feel their eyes on my retreating form. The knowledge that Travis was watching my bare bottom and thighs as I moved made me want to sink into the floor.
I hurried to Devin’s office, my cheeks still flaming. As I began straightening papers and organizing the desk, I could hear muffled voices from the living room. Devin and Travis were talking, their deep tones carrying, as if they meant me to listen in.
“…quite the little vixen,” Devin was saying. “Dylan certainly seemed to enjoy himself last night.”
My ears perked up at the mention of Dylan’s name. I moved closer to the door, straining to hear more.
“Lucky bastard,” Travis chuckled. “So what’s the plan for tonight?”
“Well,” Devin replied, a note of anticipation in his voice, “our Andrea needs to be taught a lesson about self-control. I’ve asked Dylan to do the honors with the strap.”
My stomach dropped, like an anchor into deep, dark water, at Devin’s words. My mind reeled off kilter. Dylan was going to whip me? The thought sent so many conflicting thoughts, emotions, and sensations thrilling through my mind and my body that for a moment I literally thought I would pass out.
My knees went weak as my brain tried again and again to process Devin’s words. Dylan was going to whip me. The man who had given me such exquisite pleasure last night would now be the one to punish me. A deep shudder ran through my body.