Lila stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on my arm. “It’s part of Cato’s subservience system,” she explained, her voice low and soothing. “Devin’s associates are allowed to… to use his girls sexually. To help them unwind after a long day’s work.”
I felt the blood drain from my face, my legs suddenly weak beneath me. I sank down onto the edge of the bed, the patchwork quilt rough against my palms as I gripped it tightly. “Sexually?” I repeated, my voice barely audible. “You mean… they can just… just take you whenever they want?”
Lydia shook her head quickly. “No, no, it’s not like that,” she assured me. “There are rules. They’re not allowed to… to have sex with us. Not in our… our pussies or our, you know… our bottoms.” Her cheeks flushed pink as she spoke. “Those are reserved for accepted suitors and husbands.”
I blinked, trying to process this information, which I didn’t find reassuring in the slightest—especially the new part aboutaccepted suitors. “Then… then what…?”
“They’re allowed to use our mouths,” Lila said softly, her eyes downcast. “For their pleasure. And if we refuse…” She trailed off, biting her lip.
“If we refuse, they’re allowed to spank us,” Lydia finished, her voice almost inaudible.
I sat there, stunned into silence. My mind reeled, trying to reconcile this information with everything I thought I knew about the world. It was barbaric, archaic, completely at odds with my beliefs about equality and bodily autonomy. And yet…
To my horror, I felt a flicker of heat low in my belly, a shameful tingle between my thighs. The image of being made to kneel in front of a man I had just met—as Carlos had made me kneel—of feeling his hand on my head, his hardness moving between my lips, seeking his release in my mouth… or of being bent over with my panties down to receive the reward of disobedience… the mental pictures sent a terribly unwelcome thrill through me. I shifted uncomfortably, crossing my legs tightly.
“This… this can’t be legal,” I stammered, desperately trying to focus on the logical part of my brain. “It’s… it’s assault. Coercion.”
Lila shook her head sadly. “The corporate laws changed everything, Andrea. Selecta has a lot of power now. And here in Cato, this is just how things are done.”
I looked from Lila to Lydia, searching their faces for any sign of distress or unhappiness. But all I saw was a calm acceptance, maybe even a hint of contentment. It made no sense.
“And you’re… okay with this?” I asked incredulously. “You don’t mind being used like… like objects?”
To my surprise, both girls blushed, exchanging shy looks.
“It was hard at first,” Lydia admitted. “But… there’s a certain freedom in it, you know? Not having to make decisions, just… serving. And some of the associates are quite handsome.” Her cheeks reddened further as she spoke.
Lila nodded in agreement. “It can be… arousing,” she whispered, not meeting my eyes. “Knowing you’re desired, that you’re pleasing someone…”
I felt my own face grow hot, that unwelcome heat between my thighs intensifying. This was insane. How could they possibly find this arousing? It was different from that thing that had happened with Carlos, because I hadknownhim, right? Howcould I be feeling even a hint of excitement at the thought of being made to do it to a stranger?
“I… I can’t,” I said, shaking my head vehemently. “I won’t do it. They can’t make me.”
Lydia’s eyes widened in alarm. “Oh, Andrea, you mustn’t refuse,” she said urgently. “The punishment would be severe. And… and you might find you actually enjoy it, in time.”
I opened my mouth to protest further, but before I could speak, a sharp knock at the door made us all jump.
“Girls?” Greta’s voice called from the other side. “Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. Andrea needs to be dressed and downstairs in twenty. Make sure she’s presentable. I’ll set the table tonight—Andrea, honey, so you know, that’s your job from tomorrow. You hear me, girls?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Lila and Lydia chorused.
As Greta’s footsteps retreated down the hall, Lila turned to me with a sympathetic smile. “We’d better get you changed,” she said gently. “You don’t want to be late to dinner your first night.”
I nodded mutely, still reeling from everything I’d just learned. I expected Lila and Lydia to leave, then, so I could get changed, but to my surprise they merely stood there, looking at me.
“Go ahead and get undressed,” Lydia finally said. “We don’t have that much time.”
I frowned. “But… I mean, okay—I’ll see you when I’m ready?”
Lila shook her head. “Greta said we have to make sure, so we have to watch you change.”
I stared at Lila and Lydia in disbelief, my cheeks burning hot. “You… you want me to undress in front of you?” I stammered, wrapping my arms protectively around myself.
Lila nodded, her expression sympathetic but firm. “I know it’s uncomfortable at first, but it’s part of life here. We all had to get used to it.”
“But I…” I began, searching desperately for some way out of this mortifying situation.
Lydia cut me off gently. “Andrea, please. We don’t want to have to report you to Devin. Especially not on your first day, when you’re already in trouble.”