Page 99 of No More Spies

Kenzie never had. And she was Kenzie right now.

Because if she had to be herself, she would likely lie downand wish she could fade.

He reached out and stroked her hair. “All right. We can talkmore about it at the restaurant. I’ll be there in two hours. Maggie, don’tstand me up. I know I should be all modern man about it, but I’m afraid I’llhunt you down.”

“I’ll be there.” Her sister would drop whatever she wasdoing and haul ass to see this man.

Her sister might have a future.

Hers was over.

She turned and walked back in the club. Where she wouldn’tbe a member for long because she would leave this place to Cooper. And herfriends. And everything.

She turned the corner and he stood there in his jeans andT-shirt, his eyes on her. He’d obviously gone around to the back entrance.“Cooper, I…”

“That was such a nice thing to do for your sister, baby,” hesaid, his jaw going tight. “I am so fucking proud of you. I told Lou to go getyour toothbrush. And some mouthwash. And a bottle of vodka. It’s adisinfectant, you know.”

The world slowed down and something untwisted inside her.Something that had been knotted and gnarled unfurled, and she knew she wouldnever question this man again. She strode up to him, putting her hands on hischeeks and kissing him for all she was worth. “I love you.”

A long sigh went through him. “I love you, too, baby. I loveyou so much. I’m so sorry about what happened in Colorado.”

“Then kiss me and get all the Ben cooties off my lips andthen I think we need to try something new.” The tears were right there, but shecouldn’t let them out. It was time to see if Cooper could help her with that,too. It was time to trust him in the ultimate way.

Cooper practically inhaled her. His mouth claimed hers in away he never had before. There was no tentativeness in his kiss this time. Noholding back in case he moved too fast. There was nothing but pure desire inhis kiss.

“So we don’t need the mouthwash, apparently.”

Kala broke off the kiss and turned to her best friend. “Ijust gave him cooties, too. If I have them, he has to have them.”

There was a hint of tears in Lou’s eyes. “Then my work hereis done, and I can go meet TJ for lunch. Though he’s probably already had it.It’s okay. He likes Second Lunch, too. Why do I want to marry a hobbit?”

Her bestie turned and started walking away.

There was one thing Lou could do for her. “Hey, I need youto tell Kenz she needs to meet Parker at Top in two hours.”

Lou didn’t even bother to turn around. “Coop already didit.”

Cooper’s lips curled up as he stared down at her. “I was onthe phone to her the minute I rounded the corner. Also, I told her she has todo your laundry for the rest of the month and has to make at least threebatches of those cookies you love.”

The ones with butterscotch chips. She craved them.

Damn it, she loved them all.

“I was going to walk away.”

His expression softened. “I wouldn’t let you. Never again.”

“I don’t think I’m good for you.”

“I get to decide that, Kala. I know you have control issuesand I’m willing to accommodate you, but not on this. I decide who I love andit’s you. It’s always been you.” He kissed her again.

She melted against him. It felt so good to lean on him inevery way. It would be a hard conversation with Lena, but she was doing theright thing.

And maybe she should find another therapist.

Nothing mattered except being with him right now. “Then I’mgoing to need you to do something for me.”

His hand moved over her hair. “Anything.”