Page 98 of No More Spies

“He loves you,” Ben said.

“But I don’t love him.” Such a lie. And it came out of herlips so easily. This. This was why Cooper should run. She could lie, and shedidn’t even feel bad about it because it wasn’t for her. It was for Kenzie.

She was certain if Cooper was in the same position, hewouldn’t be able to lie at all. His Captain America stalwartness would forcethe truth from his mouth.

There was an intensity in Ben’s eyes that likely would haveKenzie swooning. Kala thought he looked like a starving dude who’d found thelast Snickers bar on earth. “I don’t know what to do about you, Maggie.”

He called them Maggie, a nickname for the Agency code namethey used, Ms. Magenta. It was good to hear that name because it reminded herbeyond a shadow of a doubt that this was work and she shouldn’t punch him inthe face and tell him to back off. Because she wanted to. Intimacy was hard forher. It was why Kenz so often handled the jobs that required flirting.

“I don’t care about Cooper. He’s a friend, but he’s nevergoing to be anything more,” Kala said, forcing herself to move closer even whenevery single instinct in her body screamed to get away. Only Cooper got thisclose. Only Cooper got to kiss her and love her and hold her against him. Totouch her when she wasn’t expecting it because it was always okay for him totouch her.

Only Cooper.

How would she move through life without knowing he waswaiting for her? He would find someone, but it would probably be some airheadwho wouldn’t know how to take care of him because he obviously had terribletaste in women.

Ben Parker’s lips hovered above hers. “And what am I?”

She had to find a way to tag out. She was willing to, maybeif she had to and couldn’t figure a way out of it, let him kiss her. Not like afull-on kiss. More like a peck. She could handle a peck. She was not going tobarf. Barfing would totally give up the game. “I don’t know. I think we shouldfigure it out. I have some things I need to do, but I could meet you later.”

“Sex club things?” he asked, his jealousy obvious.

“It’s a lifestyle club,” she returned. “I haven’t had sexwith anyone, Ben. Not since I met you.”

God, she hoped her sister hadn’t lied to her about the opwhen she and Ben had found themselves pretty much alone. It was in Croatia, andthey’d spent a night in a castle hunting down an informant at a party given bya billionaire.

Ben’s hand came out and caressed her cheek. “That was yourchoice, baby. It would have gone very differently if I’d been in charge.” Heleaned over and brushed his lips against hers.

Thank the universe he didn’t try to use his tongue. Ick.Ick. Ewww. Ben lips. Lips of Ben. She was going to need all the mouthwash.Vodka was a disinfectant, right? Her sister so owed her.

And how will you hold this shit over her head for therest of time and long after we are dead if you walk away from your family,moron?

She stepped back, praying she hadn’t actually gone green.“Meet me in two hours. I know this restaurant where they’ll give us a privateroom and we can talk. It’s called Top.”

Her uncle’s place. Uncle Sean would ensure privacy for thetwo of them. He would also ensure security.

“All right,” he said and reached for her hand. Then droppedit as he glanced to the left and his eyes widened. “Well, shit. Your timing isperfect as always, McKay.”

Kala felt her heart squeeze as she caught sight of whatshe’d missed while she was pretending to be lost in her sister’s crush’s eyes.Cooper stood about twenty feet away, having obviously come in from the backparking lot. He stared at her like he hated her. It was right there in hiseyes, the betrayal.

She fought back nausea. Real nausea this time. She’d beenready to walk away from him for his own sake, but this…he hated her. It wasthere in his eyes.

He would never speak to her again. Never.

“She’s all yours, Parker,” Cooper said with a shake of hishead. “Maybe she can string you along for years like she did me. Good fuckingluck.”

He strode off, his boots ringing against the concrete.

If they’d made that sound in the first place, she wouldn’tbe in this position, but no.

God, she felt so hollow.

This was what she wanted, and now she couldn’t stand thethought.

She had to go after him. The impulse to chase the man downwas right there. She could chase him down and beg his forgiveness.

But she couldn’t, and there would be no forgiveness for her.

“Well, that’s going to make things awkward,” she said andsighed before turning to Ben. “I’m sorry you had to see that. We are friends.I’ve never led him to believe anything else. I promise.”