“I’m surprised. I have some questions, but if you’re askingif I’m angry that I adopted you and got to be your father, the answer is no. Ican’t be angry about something I love,” his father said. “From what Iunderstand, the Reed sisters were in a desperate situation and Joyce thoughtyou would be best protected if you were part of a family she knew and loved.”
“She manipulated the system and put you and your wife in abad situation,” Cooper countered, unwilling to give up on his anger. It feltgood. It felt right to be angry.
His father’s brows cocked up. “My wife? You’re not callingher your mom anymore? It didn’t take much to shake you.”
He was screwing this up. “I didn’t mean it that way. I’monly pointing out what happened.”
His father leaned forward, his eyes a steely green. “I’lltell you what happened. I got the son I always wanted, and if they’d asked medirectly if I would take you in, I would have. You know Ian and Charlottepulled some shady shit to save Tasha. Should she be angry with them that theydidn’t go through the most proper of channels?”
His father wasn’t listening to him. “Of course not. Tashawas in real danger.”
“Tasha was in an orphanage,” his father pointed out. “Yourbiological mother thought a cartel would take you in order to force her to dotheir bidding.”
“If she was so worried about it, why didn’t she make a moveto protect Zach?”
“They already knew about Zach.” His father sounded deeplyannoyed. “They didn’t know about you. I would bet she was worried about yourbiological father as well. From what I can tell, she spent time in jail forhim. He could have threatened to hurt Zach to get her to do it. Look, we canargue all night about what they did, but all I know is the result. I got my sonand I’m happy with it. Like I said, if they’d asked, the result would have beenthe same. I’m sorry if you feel like you missed out on something. I supposedeep down you’ve always felt that way, and I understand. The unknown can beintriguing, but I’m going to ask you to not talk this way around your brother.I assure you he’s already wondering if his place with you is about to be takenby Zach.”
“The only place I want Zach Reed is in jail, and that’s theonly good thing to come out of this day,” he announced. He was feeling strongernow and got to his feet. “Dad, I’m not saying this the right way. I don’t wantto have anything to do with Zach or Shannon Reed. I know Kala is upset that Ididn’t react the way she wanted me to, but for fuck’s sake, can’t I have a badreaction every now and then? I can’t walk on eggshells around her for the restof our lives. I accommodate her on everything. Every single thing. It can beexhausting. I need her to be okay with this one thing that hurt the hell out ofme.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” a quiet voice said.
Well, of course, she walked in when he was being an asshole.“Kala.”
She stood in the doorway, her hair up in a ponytail anddressed to fly. She’d changed into leggings and a long shirt, but she hadn’tput on makeup or jewelry. She looked younger than normal, and his father wasright. There was a hollowness to her eyes. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I feel like shit,” he replied.
“The effects of the sedative should wear off completelysoon. The doctor said getting some food into your system might help. I madesome soup. It’s in the kitchen. Sorry it was all my dad had here.” She didn’twalk into the room, merely stood at the door as if she didn’t think shebelonged here.
“I don’t want food. Kala, we should talk.”
“I don’t think that would be productive,” she said, her tonefirming. “I think you said everything you needed to say, and I do not have acomeback. I heard you loud and clear, and we should both try to be polite fromnow on.”
Polite? There was nothing polite about her or theirrelationship. “Dad, could you give us the room?”
His father stood, but Kala held out a hand. “There’s noneed,” she said. “I was just checking on you. Hunter should be here soon, andwe’re going to head to Dallas. You two can stay here for the night so Cooper’sready to fly tomorrow morning. I’m sure my dad will have a meeting on theschedule for tomorrow afternoon since everyone will be back in Dallas.”
“You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to sit down andtalk this out with me.”
“I think I’ll go see what’s taking Hunter so long,” hisfather replied, his discomfort plain.
He eased his way around Kala and moved down the hallway.
“Cooper, don’t be difficult about this. I’m trying not tobe,” she said with a sigh.
“You? Not be difficult?”
Her eyes narrowed. “I said I was trying. I didn’t say I wascapable. I don’t want to have this fight. I don’t see the point in it. Youdon’t trust me. I get it. If there’s no trust, we have nothing.”
And she wasn’t trying to be difficult? “How can you saythat?”
“You literally accused me of knowing the circumstances ofyour adoption and not telling you.”
She was forgetting certain parts of this morning’sconversation. “How long did it take to figure it out, and why didn’t you botherto tell me?”
Her shoulders shrugged, a weary motion. “It wasn’t long,Coop. It was a whole fifteen-minute conversation, and I couldn’t be sure untilshe said it out loud. I’m sorry I didn’t stop down for a session with you. Iwas trying to figure out what was going on with Zach. It’s the whole damnreason we were in those woods in the first place.”
“Yeah, the mission.” He wasn’t able to keep the bitternessout of his tone. “The mission always comes first.”