“I wouldn’t do that to you. I wouldn’t do it to him.” Heglanced over to Cooper. “If you believe nothing else about me, know that I lovemy brother.”
She did believe him, and that was why she had to do whatCooper would never forgive her for. Let Zach go. She stood. “I’m calling mycontact and getting out of here. You’ve got maybe twenty minutes after I makethat call.”
Zach went still. “You’re letting me go?”
“Are you going to call me when you have what you need?”
“Yes.” He stood and walked to her, bringing his hands up andthen stopping. “Can I touch you?”
She’d never noticed it before. Zach was a touchy-feely guy,but he was always cautious with her. She appreciated it. There were times whenit was too much to be touched without knowing it was going to happen. Not withCoop. She was used to him, but everyone else. Even her family sometimes.“Yeah.”
He put his hands on her shoulders. “Kala, thank you. I knowthis might cost you. I won’t let you down.”
“How do you know? To ask if I want to be touched? I try tolook normal.” Maybe she wasn’t as good at it as she thought she was. She’dgotten used to burying the flinch she sometimes got when she was younger. “It’snot anything against you.”
Zach’s eyes shone with tears as he gently pulled her in fora hug. “I know. It’s how you’re wired. I know because Coop told me. I knowbecause he spends so fucking much of his time trying to make the world easierfor you. I love you. I never used to say those fucking words until I got onthis damn team. Didn’t even think I knew how to love. I blame your parents. Andhis. Please don’t give up on him.”
She was not fucking going to cry. “I think it’s best if Ido. I don’t belong. Not really.”
“You do, sister. You don’t understand it right now, but youare the center of the freaking universe for so many people. I know sometimes itseems dark, but I’m here for you. Whether or not you give my brother a realshot.”
“No you won’t. You’re going to be running around the worldchasing down a bombmaker,” she said, trying not to sniffle.
He chuckled. “Always so literal. I meant it in ametaphorical fashion. Also, I promise I’ll get a phone and call you. I’ll finda way to keep you updated.”
“If it helps, I think running around the globe trying tochase down a dangerous person sounds like fun.” She kind of wished she could gowith him.
But she had to ease out of her situation. If she didn’t, herparents would be hurt.
And confused. A confused Ian and Charlotte Taggart couldprove difficult to deal with. She had to make the transition work.
Or her dad would be pissed she’d had Zach and let him go andmaybe she wouldn’t have to worry about it.
He squeezed her gently and then stepped back. “I assure younone of this is fun. I need you to tell Devi if she doesn’t start taking hersecurity seriously, I’ll be forced to do something about it.”
“I already talked to her.” How would he know? “Do you haveeyes on her?”
“I love her. Of course I do, and she’s behaving in areckless fashion. I have to hope Huisman doesn’t know about her, but it mightnot matter since her last name is Taggart,” Zach said gravely. “He wants tohurt all of you. You have to be careful.”
“She’s got a bodyguard,” Kala explained, stepping back. Damnbut she’d missed Zach. She hadn’t realized how much because she’d been soinvolved with Cooper. She’d been lost in how good it felt to be close to himand hadn’t considered all the other people around her.
“She’s pissed and reckless, and I don’t think whoever youput on her can handle her,” Zach admitted. “Just tell her to take the threatseriously or she’ll have to deal with me.”
Kala kind of wanted to watch that throw down.
“I’m ready,” Joyce said. She stood near Cooper’s sleepingbody, looking down on him. “I don’t want to leave him like this.”
“We have to,” Zach said with a frown as he hefted his pack.“Hopefully someday he’ll forgive us.”
Zach and Joyce walked into the thick woods and Kala pulledout the sat phone, making the call she needed to make.
Then she sat down and held Cooper’s hand.
For the last time.
Cooper came awake slowly, coming to his senses and trying tofind his way through the fog.