Page 83 of No More Spies

Her shoulders fell. “Of course not, and yes, you do. ButCoop, what we do is important, and we can’t allow personal feelings in. Notuntil we’re alone.” Her head shook. “This is stupid.”

“Of course it’s stupid. It’s my feelings so it’s stupid.”

“Damn it. I didn’t mean that.”

He shook his head. “No, you didn’t. It’s all feelings, isn’tit? You don’t have any so all emotions are useless.”

A blank expression spread across her face, and he could seeher shutting down. “I think you should go and call Henry. I’ll handle the restof the interview. You’re obviously too close to this. If I’d known you wereZach’s brother, I would never have brought you with me.”

He felt his fists clench. “Oh, do you think you can benchme, baby?”

“I think I just did, and don’t call me that again,” she saidquietly. “If this is what you think of me, our relationship is over.”

He should have known how she would handle this. “One fight?One fight is all it took? The great Kala Taggart can’t handle a singleargument?”

“I’m not doing this with you right now.” She turned toJoyce, who stood watching them, hands shaking. “Joyce, I’m not bringing you in,but I would like to talk further with you. Is it all right if I hang out withyou? Maybe bring in my dad? Your sister is in real trouble, and so is Zach.It’s serious, and I want to help.”

So fucking kind. So reasonable for someone who’d lied. Neverfor him. No. She wouldn’t ever play a role for him. He loved her and this washow she treated him?

Like you’re her safe space. Like she doesn’t have topretend with you.

He wasn’t listening to that fucking voice right now.

His whole life was a lie, and so was she. How did he fuckingknow that he wasn’t bait? That she and her father hadn’t used him like they’donce used Dare. They’d nearly wrecked Dare’s life. He knew what they werecapable of.

And you were with them. You were there. And you knowshe’s right about what happened with Parker. You set the whole team back withhim. This is the spy game, not some fun afternoon in the fucking park.

Was she serious? Was she picking the job over him?

Or was he being a butt hurt idiot, and she was trying tokeep things together?

“I’m not going anywhere, Kala.” He was right about a fewthings, and they would need to sit down and discuss this whole situation whenhe’d calmed down. Deep inside he trusted Big Tag. He loved Kala. It was toomuch to process right this second. The best plan of action was to pull everyonein. If Zach was worried about his aunt, he could come to Dallas to find her.“Not without Joyce Reed. You’re not my boss in the field no matter what youseem to think. I’m calling it. We head back.”

That brow cocked, a sure sign she was getting stubborn.Getting more stubborn. She’d been born that way, and he wasn’t handling thissituation properly, but then she’d done absolutely nothing to handle himproperly either. Why did it always have to be him?

Joyce started to move.

That wasn’t happening. “Move again, Joyce, and I’ll have youin cuffs in a heartbeat. You can either come in willingly or I’ll drag you.”

“Or I can take you out right here and now, brother,” a deepvoice said. “Hands up, Coop. Right fucking now. Don’t think I won’t take out aknee or something.”

Zach stepped out from behind a massive cedar wearingfatigues and holding a Glock on him.

“Don’t you fucking call me brother,” Cooper replied, angersurging at the sight of him. But he put his hands up. “Kala, get behind me.”

All Zach would have to do was get hold of Kala and Cooperwould be forced to do whatever he wanted.

“Boys, there’s no reason to fight. Jon…Cooper, Zach lovesyou,” Joyce said.

Kala still hadn’t moved.

“Coop, I’m not joking,” Zach said, his eyes moving fromCooper to Kala and back again. “Do not make a move. I won’t kill you, but Ican’t let you take her.”

A long sigh came from Kala. “But girls are too emotional tomake big decisions. Sure.”

“I said get behind me,” Cooper reiterated between clenchedteeth.

“Who the fuck do you think I am, McKay?” Kala asked. “I wasright. You want some sweet thing you can protect. I don’t need protection. If Iwanted to take Zach out, I would have done it. I think it would be way moreproductive if we all sat down and had a chat. Joyce, you got any booze? I coulduse a drink.”