Page 78 of No More Spies

She turned and started down the trail that led into thevalley where the smoke was coming from. “You hate the cabin.”

He followed her, keeping his voice low. He’d noticed she’dmoved her SIG into her shoulder holster. “I don’t hate it. I didn’t like itwhen we were teens because you ignored me the couple of times we came to visit.You would be off hanging with other kids, and I wasn’t allowed. I actuallythink a couple of those dudes talked about dating you. Like together. LikeAidan and Tristan together.”

She snorted, an oddly sexy sound, but then he foundeverything about the woman hot. “You’re talking about Charlie and ZanderHollister-Wright. They were not truly interested in me. They were interested inmaking my friend Paige jealous. Gosh, I haven’t been back in forever. I didn’teven ask about them. The last time I saw her, she was going into college, andthey had decided to keep the relationship friendly. Her dad was so cool. Hetalked about his balls a lot. Fun guy. Well, one of them. You know when itcomes to identical twins there’s always a fun one.”

He was pretty sure that was open to interpretation. In hismind, she was the fun one and Kenz was a little much with all the drama. IfKala had been in love with Ben Parker, she would have simply kidnapped the manand given him the choice to love her or die.

Actually, that would be a fun scenario. “Hey, baby. How openare you to fantasy play?”

She turned, her eyes lighting up. “How open are you topointed ears and wings?”

Touché. “Definitely something to talk about.”

“Who the hell are you?” a feminine voice asked. And then heheard the sound of a rifle cocking.

He held his hands up, turning. A woman with steel gray haircut in an almost military style stood a few feet down, right inside the treeline. “Just hiking, ma’am.”

Joyce Reed wore cargo pants, the legs stuffed inside sturdyboots. She had on a threadbare sweater and glasses held together by tape, butthere was a steady look in her eyes that let Cooper know she saw him just fine.The rifle was held with a firm, practiced hand. “You hiking, too, young lady?I’d like to see your hands.”

Kala wasn’t holding hers up. She simply watched the womanwith a wry smile. “I think you see them fine, Joyce. And no, I’m not hiking forfun, though I will admit I’ve had a good time. Name’s Taggart. Kala Taggart. Mydad sent me.”

Could she not follow a damn plan? They were supposed to behoneymooners. Drake had sent them their cover. It was very thorough, includingall the documents they would need, but did Kala use it? Nope. She told thetarget her name like it wouldn’t send her running.

The rifle stayed on her. “You Big Tag’s kid?”

“Yep,” Kala replied.

“Prove it,” Joyce challenged.

He wanted to turn to Kala and ask her how she planned to dothat since they were literally traveling undercover. He hadn’t brought alonghis real passport or driver’s license. Only Henry Flanders knew who they were,and he was hours away.

“My father’s favorite piece of advice is to wear a condom,”Kala deadpanned.

The rifle came down, and Joyce grinned. “Damn, Big Tagforgot his own advice and has a kiddo. I mean, I heard he did but here you are.You are way too pretty to be that big bastard’s kid. Who’d your momma cheatwith?”

Kala moved down the small hill they were on, holding a handout. “According to my dad, the UPS guy. It’s nice to meet you. I work withZach, too.”

Joyce shook her hand. “With my nephew? He’s in the Army.He’s a captain.”

Shit. His aunt didn’t know about Zach’s Agency work? “Yes,we’re both in the military.”

Kala’s head turned slightly and she frowned his way, butwhen she turned back to Joyce she said, “I’m in Army intelligence. He’s agrunt. He’s carrying my stuff around, if you know what I mean.”

Oh, if she could be snarky, so could he. “I’m also ensuringmy charge stays loose, if you know what I mean.”

Kala laughed, the sound booming through the woods. “Goodone, babe. Joyce, this is my…boyfriend, Cooper McKay. He really is Navy.”

“And I would bet you go by Mrs. Black.” Joyce proved she wasastute.

“I prefer Ms. Magenta,” Kala corrected. “But you can call meKala because this isn’t some Agency operation. This is about Zach.”

“What has my boy gotten into now?” Joyce asked with a sigh.“Or the better question…what has my sister dragged her son into? Come on. I’vegot some whiskey back at camp. Zach’s not here right now. He comes and goes,but you can at least tell me what’s going on.”

Kala began to follow her.

“Baby, you know we’re not supposed to… You’re going to tellher.” It was inevitable. He hoped they had cells for couples wherever theAgency was going to hold them.

Kala smiled and followed.