Page 75 of No More Spies

“Black Widow, please,” she corrected as she moved along thetree line. Above them a gloriously blue sky shone down.

She was happy here. Relaxed and in her element in a way hehadn’t known she could be. She was a mystery, and he loved uncovering newfacets of her.

“Black Widow,” he agreed. “So we have Jimmy, who got a smackdown. Mrs. Teacle got a couple of weeks in prison.”

“Minimum security,” Kala pointed out. “And she had to sellthat Porsche that made her look like a douchebag. You’re welcome.”

He wasn’t done. They’d been spending a lot of time goingover her list. When they weren’t fucking. They’d done a lot of fucking. Sheseemed to be making up for lost time.

He was her only lover. He intended to keep it that way.

“Susie Clifton, who broke up with me right before prom, hadsome very nasty texts about her that her friends on the cheerleading teamreleased to the school website.” He was still surprised at that one. Heshouldn’t be. She’d loved him back then. She just hadn’t trusted him. “Mytraveling team coach, my boss at the ice cream shop.”

She turned, her thumbs under the straps of her backpack.“There’s probably more. You’re lucky I didn’t keep up with you in college. Andyou know what? You’ve never once risked prison time to get revenge on someonewho hurt me. Where’s the love, McKay?”

Oh, she’d started using that word. Maybe not exactly the wayhe wanted her to, but it was creeping into her vocabulary in non-ironic ways.He moved in, standing over her. When she wasn’t in fuck-me heels, he had a goodhalf foot on her. He let his hand caress her cheek. “Point them my way and I’lltake ’em all out. I promise.”

Her lips curled up slightly. “What are you going to do? Givethem a good talking to?”

Oh, she thought he was soft. Luckily, he knew how to speakTaggart. “I promise you if I get my hands on Manny Huisman, I won’t talk tohim. I don’t know. Maybe I will. We can have a conversation about internalorgans while I feed him his. He’s a doctor, right?”

There was a hitch to her breath that got his cock hard. “Abad doctor. A doctor who should definitely be experimented on. Tell me more.”

He whispered in her ear and knew they were camping righthere tonight.

Day Four

“What do you mean he wasn’t there?” Kala held the sat phoneto her ear and thanked the universe her dad was better equipped than theAgency. He’d sent this brand-new state of the art baby with them, and hersister was coming in perfectly clear even though they were miles and miles awayfrom the nearest cell tower. It didn’t matter because this sucker was pingingaround space.

Her twin sniffled. “They said he was on another mission. ButI know he was in Toronto before I got there.”

“How would you know?” She was a menace? Had Cooper met hertwin?

“I make friends. I might have made friends with a couple ofCanadian analysts we’ve worked with. You know, the ones you haven’t met.”

That was fair. She could be hell on an analyst. It was bestto let her twin deal with the admin stuff. Or Coop. He was good with that. Ifthey ever managed MT, she would be the big-picture chick and Coop would dealwith the day-to-day stuff.

Was she actually seeing a future where she was married toCooper and they took over McKay-Taggart? It wouldn’t happen. It was far morelikely Tash would take over. Tash could do it all.

Although it wasn’t like her dad was some easy to get alongwith dude, and he’d managed. Of course, he tended to be more open to therapythan she was. It might be time to think about why it worked for the old man.

For now, her sister was really better at parts of this gamethey played. “So you got some Canadian analyst to betray her country and tellyou where their very valuable assets are?”

Kenzie huffed over the line. “It’s not like that. We weretalking. I took her out to lunch and I mentioned how sad I was to have missedBen.” The sniffling started again. “She said he took off right after themeeting where they informed everyone the Agency was coming in. She wasn’t surehe knew it would be me, though. Do you think he was trying to avoid Dad? Hehasn’t been particularly nice to Ben.”

Because Ben was an asshole, but that was Kenzie’s type andshe was trying to be more magnanimous. Her sister couldn’t help her terribletaste in men. “I think he’ll be more polite from now on since Ben did the wholesave-me thing. I’m surprised. Carys told me you made up in the hospital.”

“Babe, what are you doing?” Cooper strode into their camp,two big fish dangling from his line. “You know that’s for emergencies only. Isthat Kenz?”

Yum. Trout. They were eating well tonight. And she knew whatthe sat phone was for. “It is an emergency. Kenzie got to Canada and Ben fledbefore they were supposed to meet.”

Coop’s eyes went wide. “Damn. Continue, but can’t you puther on speaker?”

Yes, she was totally in love with this man. She put hersister on speaker. “Tell us everything.”

“Is that Coop? Are you still doing him?” her sister asked.“Tell me, is he as good at oral as I’ve heard?”

“And I’m out.” Cooper walked away.