Page 74 of No More Spies

“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice low and soothing,offering her everything. He wouldn’t mind if she wanted something different.Wouldn’t argue or fuss. He would give her what she needed.

But what she wanted was to be able to do everything withhim. To have their intimacy wash away her doubts and fears so she was at peacewith her past because either way, she was okay.

She held a hand out, and he fell to his knees.

He lowered himself on her, his mouth meeting hers. Shewrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him close. All of her possessivetendencies flared when she was with him. She wanted him beside her so she couldwatch over him, make sure he was okay.

She gasped when his cock rubbed over her clit, pressing thepiercing there down. So wet. She could feel her arousal coating his dick,making them ready for what came next.

“I’ll never get used to this,” he whispered before he thrustup inside her.

She held on as he began to move, allowing her body to followthe rhythm he set. There was no panic this time, no shadows worrying at theedge of her consciousness. This time there was only her and him. Kala andCooper.

He kissed her over and over as his cock worked inside her,finding the place that made her moan, that sent her over the edge, her wholebody tightening with pure pleasure. She held on so tight, not wanting themoment to end, but still, a deep sense of satisfaction flooded her veins as hestiffened above her. The heat of him filling her up was a drug she was fairlysure she was addicted to now.

But nothing was better than the way he felt when he droppeddown on top of her, completely spent. His face found the crook of her neck andhe held her.

“Baby, I…”

“I feel the same, Coop.” She couldn’t hold the words back.Didn’t even want to. She’d always known she loved him.

“But you’re not ready to hear it,” he whispered. “You’re notready to say it fully.”

“Not yet. But someday. Soon. I promise.” She held on to himand wished they never had to leave these woods.

Cooper chuckled. “I think if we ever have a wedding day, weshould invite Jimmy. Like don’t we owe it to the dude to feed him chicken orbeef? Give him a couple of drinks? He was probably the worst thing you did to adude when you were younger.”

“Uhm….” Maybe she was ready to leave.


Day Two

Kala groaned as they started up the hill. “She gave you anF.”

Cooper snorted behind her. He’d been the one up early thismorning, waking her with coffee and protein bars and kisses. And she hadn’teven karate chopped his throat or anything. She’d known it was him.

She hadn’t dreamed the night before.

“I think I probably deserved it. Also, she let me make upthat paper.”

Why had she ever broached this subject? All of her sinswere, as Shakespeare put it, remembered. “Mrs. Teacle was cheating on hertaxes. You didn’t even cheat. You just didn’t understandThe Scarlet Letter.”

“I watched theWishboneversion. They left thingsout.”

“And Mrs. Teacle left out forty thousand dollars’ worth ofwinnings from Vegas.” It was a case closed in her head.

“You’re a menace.”

Day Three

Cooper knew he should be irritated that Joyce Reed wasnowhere to be found. They walked from known campsite to known campsite,stopping at Ranger stations to ask around. Other than that, it was the two ofthem, and they didn’t seem to be getting anywhere.

Definitely should be irritated, and yet he couldn’t work upthe will. All he could find was this weird sense of contentment when she didn’thesitate to allow him to give her a hand up a slippery rock surface. “So Jimmy.Mrs. Teacle, who gave me a valid F and wasn’t expecting a group of teen hackervigilantes.”

Her nose wrinkled, and she looked adorable. “It wasn’t agroup, per se. It was me and Lou.”

Lou had helped her get revenge on anyone who Kala vaguelybelieved hurt him, and the last two years of high school, Cooper had been heraccomplice in some shady shit she pulled on people who hurt Lou. The first timeshe’d asked him had felt like sunshine coming back in his life. Now he couldsee it had been a test to see if he could leave a little of his CaptainAmerica, right-is-right and wrong-is-wrong mentality behind. His baby was onthe morally gray side even back then. “You don’t need more than you and Lou.I’m only trying to get a full accounting of all the villains my personal Batmantook out.”