Page 73 of No More Spies

The man did know her. When she thought about it, he knew herbetter than anyone. She lowered her body down until she was right where sheneeded to be. Her skin felt electric. She didn’t have to decide. She could havethis night and many more. They could explore. They could have fun.

She could give herself the time she needed to trust again.Not in him but in herself.

She licked the head of his cock. “I’m not sweet.”

His hand came out, running along her hair like she wassomething precious. “You can be.”

Delusional man. “I’m difficult.”

His eyes closed as she sucked his head inside her mouth. “Ilike difficult. I like a challenge. I don’t want a sheep, Kala.”

She gently dragged her teeth over the delicate skin, makinghim hiss. “I’m possessive.”

“So I have seen, baby,” he replied.

“I might be a little on the vengeful side.” She used herfree hand to cup his balls. She liked the way they felt. The way he smelled.Masculine and clean and extremely aroused. For her.

“As Jimmy Roads probably still understands,” he said betweenclenched teeth.

“Am I doing this right?” She wasn’t sure. She’d seen someporn and listened to her sisters talk about the act since they had never oncebeen taught shame, and that had been a mistake her parents made. But she hadn’tdone it herself. “Also, it might have been more than Jimmy.”

“Fuck,” he cursed as she licked him again. “You’re doing itperfectly, and I’m going to die soon if you don’t take me inside. Your mouth isgoing to feel so good, baby. Not as good as that sweet pussy of yours butalmost. Put that tongue on me. Use your teeth, you gorgeous predator. I’ll loveall of it.”

She settled in and let all those voices flow out of her headbecause he was more important. He needed her. Wanted her. So it was easier toshut off the negative flow that seemed to always fill her brain and concentrateon what mattered.

Her body never faltered. Her body always wanted him. Herbody didn’t ask why, simply knew its mate and craved him.

It was enough for now.

She lowered her mouth down, sucking him deep and tasting hissalty essence on her tongue. She rolled his balls in her hand and fucked himwith her mouth until his fingers tightened on her hair.

“I’m going to come, baby,” he warned. “I’d rather you wereriding me when I do it.”

She gave him one last lick and sat up.

She wanted something else tonight. Now that she’d said itout loud, gone through all the logical twists of the situation she’d been inthat night, she wanted more.

By the light of the fire, she pulled her T-shirt over herhead, exposing her breasts. She stood and eased out of her pajama bottoms,taking her undies with her and kicking off her shoes.

He shoved his pants down further and got ready for her tostraddle him.

Instead, she held out a hand.


“Come with me. I made a bed for us,” she offered.

He scrambled to his feet, shucking his clothes before takingher hand and letting her lead him to the tent. They would put out the firelater, but for now it gave the tent a gauzy, fantastical lighting.

Like they were in a faery forest and he was the man of herdreams, the one who didn’t want the princess. The dumb one who fell for theassassin.

Her reading was one of the only girly things about her. Ormaybe it was time to throw out all those gender norms because they meantnothing. Her reading was part of her, like her writing had been. It was part ofwho she was, pieces that made a whole.

He was the biggest piece. The one that had been missing forso long.

“Let me lie down, baby,” he offered. It was a tight space,and she was sure he was trying to make things easy on her.

She went first and laid her body on the bed she’d created,her head on the pillow, looking up at the most gorgeous man in the world as hestared down at her. Vulnerable. She was so vulnerable, and it was okay thistime.