Chapter Ten
Cooper strode into his dad’s office the next morning with asense of satisfaction he’d never felt before.
He had her now. Oh, he was sure there was a piece of hisbaby trying to rationalize the emotions of the night before, but she’d let himtake care of her this morning. He’d worried she would pull away and try topretend around her roommates, but when they’d had breakfast, she’d sat on hislap and eaten her toast as TJ had complained about all the extra people in hisbed.
Like he’d noticed. How the hell did Lou get any rest whenthe dude talked about tacos in his sleep?
“You look happy.” His dad stared at him from behind hisdesk, considering him. “I’m a little scared to know what put that look on yourface. I thought you would be on your way to Stockholm. Ian told me he wassending Lou and TJ off on some classified mission. Should we warn the Swedesabout him? As a country, they’re not known for their abundance of food. Hecould clean them out.”
Normally he probably would be flying the jet, but not today.He and Kala had dropped Lou and TJ off at the private airfield before cominginto the office. Even if Tag had ordered him, he would have refused theassignment. He was sticking close to home for now, and home was one KalaTaggart. Kenzie had taken a commercial flight to Toronto and complained theentire morning. “Drake decided to go with them. He got his license a couple ofyears back. They’re in good hands.”
His dad stood and moved around his desk. “All right, thenwhat’s put that smile on your face.”
He was surprised Big Tag hadn’t spilled the beans. It wasn’tlike everyone at the club last night didn’t know. “You talked to Ian and hedidn’t tell you where I spent last night?”
A brow rose over his father’s eyes. “He said he knewsomething I didn’t know in that asshole way of his but then he got a call, andI still don’t know what he knows. He had to leave Sanctum early last night.Does it have something to do with why Lou and TJ are taking on Scandinavia? Iheard Kenz is on the road, too.”
The door to his father’s office burst open.
“Alex, it happened.” His mom walked in, her eyes wide. Coopwas standing to the side so she didn’t see him. “I just got off the phone withHunter, and he said Cooper walked through the club last night with Kala in hisarms. They went to a privacy room. Together. Without some sub to filter forthem. He finally threw her over his shoulder and carried her away like I saidhe would eventually. Now I’m worried she might not take it well. He needs to bepatient with her. You have to talk to him. I actually think he might need to bea bit subby in the bedroom a couple of times. How do we have this talk? Shouldwe have this talk? He’s almost thirty. It’s going to be weird, but I’m worriedhe might scare her.”
Oh, what did his mother know that he didn’t? “Why would Iscare her? Also, I did not throw her over my shoulder. I was a gentleman andpicked her up. Her knee was bothering her.”
His mom started and stared at him for a moment.
His dad snorted and moved to the couch. “Do you know what Inever thought about when I became a dad? This discussion. This one right here.”
His mom’s cheeks were stained a bright pink. It was kind ofnice to know something could shake Eve McKay’s cool. He’d seen his mom beunshakable through many a family drama, but this was freaking her out.
Damn. Was it because she still didn’t think they could work?He needed to make a few things plain. “We don’t have to have any talks becauseI’m a man and I make the decisions about my love life. I need you tounderstand. I love her. She won’t let me say it yet, but I love her and I’mgoing to make this work. This isn’t some phase.”
His mom’s expression changed from embarrassed to confused.“Why would you say that?”
Did she remember nothing? “When we were kids, you said shewas a phase I was going through. She’s not.”
His mother’s head cocked slightly as though she was tryingto remember. “Are you talking about what I said the day she went missing? Aftershe punched the pitcher who brushed you back and you were complaining abouther?”
It was his turn to be embarrassed. He didn’t like to thinkabout the dumbass kid he’d been. “I wasn’t complaining, exactly.”
His mom huffed. “You were absolutely complaining, and Ididn’t sayshewas a phase. I said she was going through a phase. Doyou think I don’t remember this conversation?”
“She does.” His dad sat on the couch, watching them warily.“You have no idea the guilt she went through when she realized it was a fightthat sent Kala walking. Your mother thought the conversation you two had at thearcade might have something to do with it.”
He didn’t want his mom to blame herself. “It did and itdidn’t. But, Mom, I remember distinctly you telling me that sometimes when aperson is drowning, they take down the person trying to save them.”
His mom let out a frustrated groan and sank to the couchbeside his father. “I was talking about Kala. It’s hard to be different. Ianand Charlotte and I talked a lot about how the things that would make Kala anincredible woman one day made it hard for her to fit in. She looks exactly likeher sister but her brain functions very differently.”
“Yes, I got this lecture from Seth last night,” he replied.“And I had to listen since I was tied to a bed at the time. You’re right aboutthe subby business, but I think she’ll get over it pretty quickly. What do youknow about what happened that night, Mom?”
His mother took a long breath and seemed to think for aminute, and then tears welled in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, baby. I can’t. I knowI’m not technically Charlotte or Ian’s therapist, but I can’t tell you becauseit would be a betrayal. I’m going to ask you to be patient with her. When she’sready, she’ll tell you.”
He looked to his father, who shook his head.
“Ian’s been my best friend for far longer than you’ve beenborn, son. I would do anything for you, but telling you this wouldn’t merelybetray the most important friendship of my life, it would hurt whatever you’vegot going on with her. If you love her, let her come to you.”
He knew this. Knew they were right. The night before he’dtold Seth he didn’t want to know. But now, in the light of day, he couldn’thelp but worry. She might never tell him.
“How can I fix the problem if I don’t know what it is?”Frustration welled. They were so close.