He was saying all the right things, pushing every buttonthat would allow her to see past those nasty thoughts encumbering her everyhappy moment. “So I’m doing it for my country, when you think about it.”
“You’re doing it for me. You’re saving me, and quitefrankly, everyone who rides in a plane with me because I think about fuckingyou there, too. Remember when we dropped two thousand feet over the Atlantic acouple of months back? I said it was because I thought Big Tag needed a jolt ofadrenaline every now and then. Nope. My dick was so hard, it bumped the damnyoke, Kala. Guess who I was thinking about?”
He’d been thinking about her? Well, there was nothing elseto do. “I am a dutiful operative. So I just move in and put my pussy right onyour face? Will you be able to breathe?”
“I will,” he promised and looked like a man who was so veryclose to getting what he wanted. “It’ll be weird at first, and then I promiseyou won’t think about anything but how good it feels. Try it. Try me.”
How could she possibly deny him when he asked so politely?It was awkward but she moved up his body, stretching out so their skin touched.So her breasts grazed over his belly and chest. So she felt his erectionagainst her skin. She breathed him in, shutting everything else out. What hadbeen weird in the club suddenly seemed okay here in the safety of her room. Hewas giving her permission to do all the weird shit she’d ever wanted to do tohim. Like smelling him and rubbing her cheek against his chest so she couldfeel his chest hair tickle. Like running kisses over his collarbone andnestling her face against the warm curve of his neck.
“It feels so good, baby. So good to be close to you,” hewhispered.
So good. So right. Like something fell into place, and shewas whole for a moment.
She paused at his face. She’d memorized every line andplane, and yet this felt new and fresh. She lowered her mouth to his, the kissoddly sweet. Or maybe just sweet. Maybe she needed to stop with the fuckingadjectives that put her on the outside and simply accept this was her world andit wasn’t so bad.
Right now it felt like heaven.
She kissed him for the longest time and he let her, theirtongues playing. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth before running hertongue across it.
Cooper groaned and squirmed, his cock rubbing between herlegs like it was trying to burrow inside. Hours before she would have takenthis as a cue to get the train moving, but not now. Now she wanted to go slow,to make this last. To give him everything he wanted, and he wanted her on hisface. So she was going to do it.
She kissed him one last time on the mouth before brushinglight busses over his nose and cheeks and forehead. “Tell me if you’reuncomfortable.”
She brought her body up, kneeling above his mouth, her lowerlegs pinning his arms down. She balanced against the headboard. He wasperfectly placed, and it wasn’t as awkward as she thought it would be.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he muttered, bringing his headup, and she suddenly felt his nose right in her pussy. “You smell so good,baby. Give me a taste.”
She was in a haze of lust as she lowered her pelvis down andfelt the first long lick of his tongue. Heat flashed through her, a revelation.What the hell? This wasn’t the little pleasures she’d given herself with herfingers and a vibrator. This was something else entirely.
She couldn’t think. All of those voices that nagged at herfled entirely as Cooper speared her with his tongue. He ate at her pussy,drawing one side of her labia into his mouth and then the other, sucking andlicking and worrying her clit with his tongue. She thought she would surviveit, but she found herself moving with him, seeking more. The shy part of herwas utterly muted, and she found a fierce pleasure she’d never felt before.
“More,” Cooper groaned against her tender flesh. “Give memore. I swear if my hands weren’t tied, they would be digging into your sweetass, pulling you down on me.”
She had zero idea how the man was breathing, but in thatmoment, she didn’t care. He was telling her what he wanted, and she gave it tohim. She seated herself on that talented tongue of his and rode him. Moving inan instinctive rhythm, she rolled her hips and found the perfect spot. Histongue went deep and something…probably his nose…rubbed against her clit. Itdidn’t matter. All that mattered was the magnificent flood of pleasure invadingher veins.
She felt alive. So fucking alive.
“Baby,” Cooper was saying against her skin. “Baby, please.I’m dying. Please fuck me. I’ll beg all you like. I’ll make you breakfast inthe morning and rub your feet before we go into the office, just please putthat gorgeous pussy close to my dick and I swear I’ll do all the work.”
Oh, she liked it when that man begged. A languid pleasurestill pulsed through her, but she worked up the will to move down his body. Nowshe understood what she’d done wrong the first time. She’d been wet but notentirely ready. Sex wasn’t merely about her pussy. Her mind was ready. Her soulwas ready.
She felt like a new person, like some part of her had justbeen unleashed, and she liked this aspect of herself. She straddled his hips,taking that glorious cock in hand and placing it right where it needed to be.
Cooper’s face was a mask of desire. “Do it, Kala. Ride me.”
She lowered herself onto his cock. Cooper’s moan filled theroom as his hips bucked up.
“Understand this, when my hands are free, they’re going tobe all over you,” he vowed.
It didn’t scare her the way it would have five minutesbefore. She wanted his hands on her. They didn’t need the ropes. This wasn’tanything but love and pleasure, and she wasn’t even going to pretend she hadn’tthought the word love. This was love.
She followed his lead, moving her hips in time with his,loving the way he filled her. He stretched her pussy in the most delicious way.There was a sharp edge to it, but she even liked the ache it caused. She rodehim, not expecting anything but to watch him find his pleasure. So when shefound the perfect spot, she was shocked, but her body took over. She grounddown, rubbing that spot deep inside her. Cooper’s jaw clenched, and she feltthe moment he came. It sent her over the edge again, the pleasure even moreforceful than the last time.
She collapsed on him, not minding the way they were stillconnected. Sex was messy and sticky and kind of amazing. She lay her head onhis chest, listening to the beat of his heart. It was thundering, but hers wasalready slowing into a peaceful rhythm.
So often she thought she should have simply thrown herselfinto the deep end, gotten it over with, moved on from him.
In this moment, she was so grateful she hadn’t. No matterwhat happened, she would have this night to remember.