Page 58 of No More Spies

“Baby, you know it is. You know how to watch for signs. Mycock won’t lie to you. My body won’t. I’m your sub tonight.”

Strangely, she didn’t like those words. “You’re not my sub.You’re just…mine for tonight.”

“For as long as we want,” he said quietly. “I want the dealwe made before back in place. I want to be the man you come to when you need,Kala.”

“When I need sex?”

“When you need anything.”

It wasn’t like she didn’t have people in her life who woulddo anything for her. Her family was wonderful. Her parents would literally goto the ends of the earth for her, but hearing the words out of Cooper’s mouthfilled some place inside her she hadn’t known was empty. Why did it have to bethis man? Only one. Only him.

She stared down at him as she started to unbutton herblouse, easing it off her shoulders. This was happening, and somehow shetrusted it this time. She didn’t have to worry about pleasing him, aboutrushing through the part that scared her so she could feel his arms around her.They would get to the part where she was wrapped up in him, but now she got toexplore.

She hesitated when she got to the button of her jeans.

“What is it? Don’t stop, Kala.”

She frowned down at him. “Well, if I’d known I was going toget naked, I wouldn’t have eaten all those waffles. TJ is a bad influence.”

His laughter boomed through the room.

Somehow him laughing made all her insecurities fly away,replaced with an eagerness she’d never felt before. She wanted this, wantedthis time, wanted him in a way that was bigger than sex, and somehow that madeit okay.

He watched her as she undressed, his eyes seeming to eat herup. He’d seen her in various states of undress, but now she wondered how muchhe’d hidden from her because there was no way to deny the hunger in his eyes.She couldn’t pretend this was about convenience. Oh, she likely would tomorrow,but for tonight she wasn’t lying to herself.

Tonight, this was everything.

Being naked with him felt right. So did having him tied downfor her pleasure, so score one for her father. Eww. She’d thought about herdad.

“Do not think about your dad or your brother or Kenzie,”Cooper ordered in his dommiest tone.

The man did know her. “My brother was here, too?”

Cooper’s eyes were on her breasts. “I want to fucking suckon your nipples, baby. I want them in my mouth and hands and god, at some pointI want to hold them together and slide my dick in between them.”

All interesting thoughts. She never realized how easilydistracted he was by sex. She could have fun with that, but he hadn’t answeredher question. A feeling of power coursed through her. How could it not when hewas looking at her like he wanted to eat her alive? “Focus, Coop. My dadbrought Travis here?”

His eyes stayed on her as she prowled around the bed. “Seth.And your parents should have spanked him more.”

She trailed her fingertips down his body, lightly scrapingacross his chest down to his abs. “He would have liked it.”

“Your brother loves you,” Cooper said, and his breathhitched as she touched his cock. “He cares about you more than he shows. Also,he’s a sneaky bastard, and he’s listening in way more than you think he is.”

Seth? She loved Seth, had always felt a connection to herbrother, but he didn’t pay attention to much beyond his music and sex with lotsof women. “I don’t want to talk about Seth. Tell me more about the nipplething. I like it when you talk.”

Dirty. She liked it when he talked dirty. She could get hotlistening to him tell a sub what he planned to do to them, and she didn’t getoff on stuff like humiliation play. But when it came out of his filthy,gorgeous mouth, she suddenly reconsidered.

“Do you know why I had them tie me down like this?”

She climbed on the bed, finally letting her hand find thepart of him she’d been fascinated with since she learned what sex was. Shetossed away the flower. Her sister was a weirdo. He didn’t need decorating. Hewas a work of art all on his own. “I would think the headboard would be easier.You wouldn’t need an under-the-mattress restraint system.”

She licked her lips as she touched him for the first time.His cock practically pulsed in her hands, and Cooper groaned, a deep, sexysound. She wasn’t going to think about where that restraint system had comefrom. It was hers now.

“If they tied me to the headboard, you wouldn’t be able tosit on my face, baby,” Cooper said. “And I really, really want you to sit on myface.”

For a second the words didn’t compute, and then a vision ofher riding his tongue washed through her, lighting a fire inside. She thoughtshe’d wanted before?

“I want you to ride my face and then my cock. I’m yourfucking stallion tonight, baby. Don’t think about it. Don’t let in anyintrusive thoughts. All you need to know is I dream about eating your pussy. Ithink about it when we’re sitting in a conference room and when we’re on an op.It’s distracting. You have to do it or I’m going to get myself killed in thefield because all I can think about is how good you’re going to taste on mytongue and how tight you’ll be around my cock. When I’m in a knife fight, sometimesI think about the way those perfect tits of yours will bounce when we fuck.”