Nope. That was it. Yep. Twelve years later and that fuckerwas still in her head. Definitely scarier than Cooper thinking he might be ableto love her.
If she walked away from Cooper now, the Russian assholemight always live there. No matter how afraid she was of truly loving Cooper,she was more afraid of not ever feeling anything but afraid.
So she took a long breath and gave in. “What do I need,Cooper? I’m sure my father, the sex therapist, was embarrassingly thorough.”
Cooper seemed to relax. “You need to explore to your heart’scontent. You need to be in charge in any way you like. I’m not saying I won’tever want to be in control. I can assure you I will, but not until you’recomfortable.”
Did he know? She didn’t even fucking know. It wasn’t likeshe’d bled or anything, but then she was pretty sure even if she’d been avirgin, she wouldn’t have had a hymen anymore. She’d killed a dude with herthighs once, and he’d been a twisty, turny motherfucker.
Not knowing. It was a curse in its own way.
“Why do you think I wouldn’t be comfortable?” Kala asked,laying a trap.
Ah, there was the tension. “I don’t know. Probably becauseyou’re a top. I only know what we did earlier didn’t work. We went too fast. Weneed more time. I’ve wanted you since we were fifteen. I want to take my time,to sink into this thing I’ve longed for almost half my life.”
He definitely wasn’t the same boy. The man knew exactly howto talk to her. The man was infinitely more dangerous.
Well, her sister had told her if she tried to run, she wouldhunt her down, and Kenzie could be mean when she wanted to. Kala’s brain ranthrough all the scenarios of her leaving this room and taking to the road tolive a vagabond life, and almost all of them ended with the cops being calledand her and her sister becoming viral video stars for all the wrong reasons.She couldn’t run. Decision made. “So I can do whatever I want.”
“As long as the first thing you do is get this fuckingflower off my dick,” Cooper pleaded. “I’m worried it’s like covered in poisonivy or something. It tickles.”
She couldn’t help the laugh that boomed through the room. Itwas funny. It was wild. It was…kind of perfect when she thought about it.Sometimes she thought things had to be normal to be perfect, but what if herlife was different? What if she got to decide what was perfect and everyoneelse could fuck off? Why was that so hard?
She moved to the bed, staring down at everything he wasoffering her. So much more than merely a beautiful body. He was offering hersomething she’d never had. She could touch him and rub her body against his,and it wouldn’t freak her out because she was in control.
He was hers. Like a sub but with sex. And she was anindulgent Mistress—she wasn’t. She was pretty hard-core, but tonight she wasplaying a different game.
A thought struck her as she stared down at the pretty whiteflower covering Cooper’s penis. Sort of. She could see the head kind of peekingout. But she was stuck on what had to have happened. “Did my sister see yourpenis?”
Cooper flushed. “I mean, it’s not like I planned it. Therewas supposed to be a sheet. I agreed to a sheet, and your dad took it becausehe said he wasn’t sure my penis was like a gift or something, and your sisterthen decided to decorate me. And for full disclosure, Bri saw it, too. But if Ihave sex at the club, everyone’s going to see it.”
“I should have seen it first. I’m totally going to see BenParker’s dick first. You’re going to help me make that happen.” They were beinghonest tonight. She usually didn’t like to ask questions she didn’t know theanswer to, but she was going all in. “Why haven’t you had sex at The Hideout?”
“You know why. The same reason you haven’t,” he replied.“Because neither one of us wants to hurt the other, and we weren’t ready.”
“I was ready at fifteen,” she murmured, reaching out to puta hand on his muscular thigh. She loved his legs. They were strong andmasculine, and she used to love the way they felt when they brushed againsthers.
“You weren’t, baby,” he said quietly.
She also loved that he was honest. She wasn’t a fool. Heworked around her half the time, offering up something she could accept withoutgiving up her pride. She was starting to wonder if her pride was overrated.“No, I wasn’t. But I might be now.”
She watched as that little flower no longer covered so muchof Cooper. His cock stirred to life and lengthened in front of her eyes, thedaisy falling away.
Damn, that was hot. She had to swallow her drool. Now thatthe formalities were out of the way, she could indulge. She could look to herheart’s content.
He was every bit as beautiful as she dreamed he would be,with long, strong limbs and a well-defined chest. She’d seen him without hisshirt a thousand times, but this felt different. She put a hand on his chest,feeling the hard muscle covered by warm skin. He had a light dusting of hairthat felt good under her palm. And his nipples were hard. Cooper loved totorture a sub’s nipples during their sessions. It didn’t matter if they wereguy nipples or chick nipples, Cooper twisted them all the same.
She reached down and ran the tip of her index finger aroundhis left nipple, watching it pucker even further.
His lips curled up. “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you,baby?”
It wasn’t something she would ever admit, but she loved itwhen he called her baby. Like they were together. Like they would never beapart again. She let her finger circle him one more time and then brought theheat. She pinched down and twisted and watched his toes curl, his cock bob, andthe breath hitch from his chest.
This she knew how to do. She was the mistress of pain aspleasure. It was why all the subby boys and girls came to her. How many timeshad she brought a sub to orgasm? Service had become her sexuality. She’d takenno physical satisfaction from those encounters, merely the knowledge that shehad a purpose in a world she felt apart from. D/s gave her a place where herviolent tendencies could do good. Where she wasn’t the person Julia Ennis hadtold her she was destined to be.
Nope. Not thinking about that bitch or anything about thattime tonight. Cooper was giving her a gift, and she was going to take it. Shemoved to his other perfectly formed nipple and gave it the same attention.Cooper gritted his teeth, and his hands gripped the ropes that bound him.
Did he like it? He could be pretending for her. “Is thisokay?”