Page 55 of No More Spies

Seth’s entire expression changed. Gone was the intensity,and in its place the aw-shucks smile he was known for. “I’ve been using anotebook I stole from Kala to write some lyrics.”

“Dude, she’s been looking for that,” Kenzie complained.“We’ll deal with that another day. You need to leave. Kala’s tracker says she’sthree blocks away. Lou must have convinced TJ he’ll get a stomachache if heeats too much.”

Seth smiled his sister’s way. “Then I should get the old manhome and tuck him in. It’s way past his bedtime. Cooper, you got a nice set ofballs on you. They’re very well formed.”

Cooper’s eyes rolled. “And you say you’re not like yourfather.”

Big shoulders shrugged. “I never said that at all. ’Night.”

One problem walked out the door and another strode in.Brianna Dean-Miles had a bottle of champagne in one hand and a bunch of daisiesin the other. “This is all I could find. We need to up our decorating game.”

Cooper closed his eyes. It was going to be such a longfucking night.

* * * *

“’Night,” Kala said as TJ took Lou’s hand.

Lou turned slightly before they got to the door to her andTJ’s room. It used to just be Lou’s, but now there was no way to deny TJ livedwith them. His boy stuff was all over the place, though she would give it toher cousin. The Army had trained him to be neat. “You sure you want to sneak intonight? You could come in now. It’s pretty late.”

Kala snorted. “No. We’re good, Lou. Besides, he’s going towant to do stuff to you.”

TJ’s head shook. “Nah. We did that earlier, and I ate toomany waffles. I got a pooch going. But I think you should sneak in. We have anexcellent routine where I can pretend my cousin isn’t sleeping with us mostnights.”

“I agree with TJ.” What would she do when she wasn’t livinghere? Would she move to DC and deal with it? She could do it. If she livedalone, she would learn to not need anyone. Maybe that was the problem. She wascodependent. Or just dependent, since it wasn’t like Lou snuck into her bed.“Why fix it if it isn’t broken? Thanks for the waffle. I had fun watching thewaitress taking bets on when TJ would explode.”

TJ chuckled. “I’ll take a run tomorrow and it will all begone.” He grinned. “And then I’ll need another breakfast.”

“You know the wordbreakfastmeans to break yourfast, buddy. I don’t think you ever fast,” Kala quipped.

“That sounds terrible,” TJ said as he drew Lou into theirroom.

They would probably still do it. Sex seemed to work forthem. Lou wouldn’t lie to her. If it was terrible, Lou would tell her. Kenziehad in the past. She’d talked about one boyfriend who was terrible in bed.

So it was just her.

She stared at her door for a moment. It was her room, and itwouldn’t ever be theirs. She was solitary, and that was okay. It was okay. Shewould be okay and they would be okay, and one day years from now they wouldthink of her fondly.

It was going to be okay, and she wasn’t going to end up inLou’s bed tonight. She was going to suck it up and deal with her problems onher own. If she had trouble, she would put it where it should go—deep down inher gut or in the therapist’s office. Lou shouldn’t have to be her emotionalsupport friend forever.

Lou and TJ would get married and then have kids and theywould move on. They would have a life.

She had to be ready for that. Tash and Dare were gettingmarried soon. Kenzie would either catch her…ick…Ben or wake up andrealize he was a douchebag and find someone else. Tris had his subs. Even Zachapparently had a whole other plan no one knew about. There was comfort in evilplans.

She was all she had, and tonight had proven it.

The door to her sister’s room opened, and Kenzie stared out,Bud Two at her side. The big mutt almost always slept on Kenzie’s bed when theywere home.

“Go in your room,” her twin said, eyes narrowed. “And Iswear if you try to run, I will catch you.”

What the hell? “I’m getting that a lot tonight. I’ll go tobed. No need to chase me down.”

Kenzie stood there, not saying a word. Weirdo.

Kala was happy she wasn’t cornering her, trying to get herto talk about what happened tonight. No way. No how. There weren’t enoughwaffles in the world to get her to talk about what happened tonight. She openedthe door and turned, closing it quickly in case Kenzie changed her mind.

“Don’t scream.”

Kala turned and did not scream. She wouldn’t fucking scream.But she did feel her jaw drop.