Page 53 of No More Spies

Kenzie was dressed for bed in PJs, with slippers on her feetand her hair piled high on her head. She did not look anything like the deadlyoperative he knew her to be.

Her father’s eyes rolled. “Absolutely not. And I thought youwanted plausible deniability.”

She shrugged. “Curiosity got the better of me. So what’d youdo to my sister, Cooper?”

Now he saw the folly of his own actions. He was trapped withTaggarts. “I tried to start a relationship with her. Like I have been for yearsnow.”

“Don’t,” Big Tag said, putting a hand on his daughter’s arm.“I’ve already put him through the ringer. Do you think I would be doing this ifI wasn’t certain he’s telling me the truth and he wants to make things right?”

An evil smile lit Kenzie’s face. “You would if you weregoing to murder him. Or let Kala murder him. I think it could be rough on her.You should let me do it.”

Damn. He always thought Kenzie was kind of Team Cooper. NotTeam Murder Cooper. “I love your sister.”

Kenzie’s nose wrinkled, and she huffed. “Fine, but youshould know it’s about fifty-fifty whether she makes a meal of you or makes youinto a meal for Bud Two.” She turned to her dad. “And if she sees Seth’s truckhere, she’ll know something’s up and she’ll run the other way.”

Big Tag sighed. “I didn’t think about it. I had him give mea ride here so your mom could go home and help with Colton. Travis has a bigtest in the morning or I would have had him over here, too. He hates being leftout of family projects, but that’s what you get when you don’t wear a condom.”

“Speaking of.” Seth seemed intent on not ending Cooper’storture. “Where do you keep them, sis? We should leave a few. Maybe we coulddecorate the bed. You know, like some people use flower petals except we usecondoms.”

“You are not decorating the bed,” Cooper began.

“Eww, not romantic,” Kenzie argued. “I could go in the backand pick some daisies. Hey, Bri, have those daisies you planted come in yet?”

Was anyone asleep? He hadn’t seen Brianna Dean-Miles, thenewest resident of the house. She’d moved in mere weeks before, and she seemedto be getting into the flow of giving no one any privacy at all. It was howthis household ran.

“Oh, hey, Coop.” A wide smile spread across Bri’s face. “Youare looking good, buddy. Is this one of those nights Tasha warned me about?”

Kenzie snorted. “Tasha warned you about the guys invadingbecause we made cookies and have better Internet. She was not talking aboutnaked pilots tied to beds. Though I do see where we’ve missed a fun activity. Ithink we should decorate Cooper. After all, he’s a gift.”

“Not so sure about that,” Big Tag snarked. “He’s very shyfor a Dom. Didn’t get a good look at his dick, so I have to withhold sayinghe’s a gift.”

This was his life now. “For fuck’s sake. Maybe I didn’t wantmy future father-in-law seeing my junk swinging.”

Seth’s head shook. “I don’t think it can shake like this.”He stared at the sheet. “It’s not making much of a tent, though. Are we sureabout this? Has anyone seen him in all his glory?”

Cooper groaned. “Just because you walk around half naked allthe time doesn’t mean I do, man. I haven’t taken a single submissive in twoyears because I love her. So, no, I didn’t walk around showing off my junk. Ionly wanted one person looking at it.”

“How do you think I got my Charlie?” Big Tag asked as thoughthis was a completely normal Taggart family conversation.

Which Cooper supposed it was.

“No.” Kenzie’s head shook, and she put her hands on herdad’s arm. “You are done, Dad. Time to go. She can only eat so many waffles.”

“Yeah, but TJ’s with her. It could still be hours beforethey run out,” her father replied, though he was grinning as she pushed himtoward the door.

“Nope,” Kenzie insisted. “He said the magic words, and nowyou’re done.”

“Magic words?” Seth asked, not moving from his place.

Brianna took that one. “He said he loves Kala and now we’reon his side, and this is serious. I mean it’s not so serious we’re not going todecorate him, but it is serious enough that we’re going to kick you out so youdon’t ruin this for Kala.”

“I thought we didn’t leave subs tied up,” Seth complained,though his ass had been arguing the opposite way mere moments before.

“He’s not a sub,” Big Tag admitted. “I can totally leave aDom tied up. Ask your dad, Bri. Hey, Bud, you know what to do.”

Cooper turned his head in time to see the twins’ big muttlumber through the door. He was a massive thing who would likely make anyintruder think twice. For two seconds, until Bud started to lick the dude todeath. The big dog walked right up to him, and for a moment Coop was worried hewas about to get licked, too.

Nope. It was worse. Bud took the edge of the sheet betweenhis teeth and ran off with it.