Page 52 of No More Spies

Her singer-songwriter brother wanted to fight with Coop? “Ithink I can handle it.”

“You shouldn’t have to,” Seth replied. “If he fucks with mysister, I can take care of it. I know I’m not some badass operative, but I’mstill a damn Taggart. I know how to get some revenge, and not merely throughsong. If I decide Coop needs some justice, I’ll administer it.”

So weird how nice it was to hear those words. She took itfor granted that no one would protect her because she was the protector. Kalasighed and walked to her brother, wrapping her arms around him. “I think that’ssweet, Seth, but I can handle Cooper. He didn’t do anything wrong. We justweren’t meant to be.”

Seth only hesitated for a second, likely out of shock thatshe was being so affectionate. Then his arms came around her. “Are you sure?You’ve loved him for a long time, and I know he’s been waiting to make a move.You don’t see how he looks at you.”

She sniffled and pulled back, looking him over. Hersnot-nosed, obnoxious brother was a handsome young man. He was talented, andsomeday he was going to be a star. She loved him so much, loved them all.“Sometimes it’s not enough. And you’re one to talk. Should we discuss yoursituationship with Chloe Lodge?”

Her brother immediately backed away, holding up his hands.“Nope. She and I do not get along. She’s uptight and picky.”

“And you think she’s hot,” Kala teased because this was aplace where she felt comfortable.

“She is but…she’s not for me,” he admitted, and there was ahint of sorrow in his words.

“And Cooper’s not for me.” She reached out and squeezed herbrother’s hand before releasing a long sigh. “Well, let me know if you needhelp on the prank front. I still need to get Uncle Adam back for fucking withmy security system.”

Seth winced. “Yeah, you should do that. No one should fuckwith your security system. Just so you know, that’s my stance on this, and ifit ever happens again, I won’t be a part of it. Never.”

Okay, that was weird, but there was the sound of a carstopping and then a honk.

She turned and Lou waved at her from the passenger side ofthe truck. She was about to tell Lou to give her a minute so she couldinterrogate her brother further, but then her sisters were walking out thefront door. Tasha held hands with Dare, and Kenzie’s eyes lit when she sawKala.

“Gotta go. Don’t want to keep Lou and TJ waiting.” Shebounded down the stairs.

“Coward,” her twin called out. “You know I’ll still be therein the morning.”

But she might not. Kala settled herself into TJ’s truck andput off the problem of her sisters for another day. Tonight she would drown hersorrows in waffles and bacon and put off the moment when she had to be aloneagain.

Chapter Nine

“Seriously, guys, no one has to stay with me.” Cooper triednot to think about his very precarious position.

Not so precarious, actually, since he was securely tied inhere. Big Tag hadn’t forgotten how to tie a dude down. He had forgotten how togive a man some dignity. At least they’d let him get under the sheet beforethey’d gone to work.

“I think he’ll be fine.” Seth Taggart had shown up, pullinghis truck in behind Cooper’s SUV. Kenzie was somewhere in the house but haddeclared she didn’t have any part in this and all of her twin’s revenge wasgoing to be on the men of the family. And she’d promptly run off, dialingsomeone on her cell phone.

Probably Tasha.

Big Tag made a tsking sound. “Seth, I thought I taught youbetter. You never leave a sub tied up and unattended. Anything could happen. Arobber could come in and see our friend Cooper laid out like a feast.”

“A robber is not making a feast out of me.” He should haveknown Big Tag would be obnoxious, but when he’d laid this plan out, it hadhalfway made sense.

And he was so desperate, halfway worked for him. If he lether sleep on this, it would be done. She would talk herself out of ever tryingagain.

He might never know what happened to her. He wasn’t sure hecould live without trying everything he could.

So that was why he was naked, his wrists tied to Kala’smattress, and nothing but a thin sheet covering him. He’d argued they wouldn’tbe able to properly tie him up without the right equipment since he didn’t wantto be tied to the headboard. It wouldn’t give him the freedom he needed forwhat he was going to do.

Not a problem. Big Tag simply stopped by Sanctum andsuddenly they had all the under-the-mattress restraints they needed.

Seth looked like a younger version of his father. “I’m withCoop. No robber is taking anything from him. Also, I’d kind of like to not behere when she shows up. She’s going to figure out you took down her securitycams so she couldn’t see us walking in, and that is a revenge I don’t want.”

Big Tag shrugged. “If Coop here does his job properly, shewon’t care.”

“Also, should I really be doing this? Trying to get mysister laid?” Seth asked.

“Holy shit,” a feminine voice said. “I thought you weresneaking him in so he could talk to her. Whoa. Daddy, I think we should do thisto Ben. Think of all the intel I could get.”