“It was my idea,” Kala admitted. “I knew from a very youngage this was the kind of work I wanted to do. Kenzie went along with it. Ithelped after she got into these young adult novels about spy school. I got herinto those, too. I wanted her with me. I knew our parents didn’t want this lifefor us, but I had to do it.”
Sometimes she felt so guilty about dragging Kenzie in. Sheshould be happily dating and living the life of…whatever she wanted to do.Kenzie would likely be married with a kid or two by now if she hadn’t followedKala.
“And you’ve done an enormous amount of good,” Lenacountered. “Our parents don’t always know what’s right for us. They’re simplyhumans who take into account their own damage and trauma. I’m sure yourfather’s prior employment with the Agency played into his desire to keep youaway from intelligence work.”
“He still came out of retirement when I wouldn’t be swayed.It wasn’t like I wanted to work for my father. I kind of rebelled against theidea,” she admitted.
“And now?”
“I kind of like being close to them, but it can also be aheinous pain in my ass. Like tonight.” Tristan should have kept his mouth shut.Then his nose would still be in the same place.
Her gaze was on the street in front of them, watching in thedistance as cars lazily drove by. Even at this time of night, there were stillpeople out and about in Dallas. Roughly two miles away it would be differentsince the rambling house she and her sisters lived in was in a nice, solidlysuburban-feeling neighborhood, but here the city still held sway.
“What happened tonight?” Lena asked.
And she realized she should have kept her mouth shut. No onewould have told Lena shit. It was one thing to tattle to her father, another tothe Agency. They would definitely like to know if two of the operatives on ateam were suddenly fucking. Which they weren’t.
Luckily, she had plenty of recent events to fall back on.“The Zach thing. My parents liked him. Not that I didn’t. Zach was cool, but Ihold myself apart better.”
“Precisely why I think you’re an excellent operative,” Lenaallowed. “I believe you’ll give my theories some thought. I assume the rest ofthe team feels like Kenzie and your mother.”
In this she could be honest because they all would. “Tris isclose to him. He firmly believes there’s shit we don’t know about. My mom,Kenz, and Tasha are definitely team Zach, and Lou is, too. TJ will be morecautious. He would hear Zach out, but he would also make sure the team was safewhile he did it.”
“And Cooper?”
Kala shrugged. “I don’t know. You would have to ask him.”
“Do you have something going on with that young man?” Lenaasked. “There was a certain tension between the two of you tonight.”
“Nope. We grew up together and now we work together, andthat’s all she wrote.” And all she would ever write because it turned out shewasn’t a sexual creature at all. Another way she didn’t fit in. She spent halfher time at a sex club, and the one time she tried had been a spectacularfailure. Though it wasn’t like Coop had been some sex god. Disappointing wasdefinitely a word she would use. She’d heard rumors that he was great in bed.So it probably was a her problem.
“You should be careful with him,” Lena advised. “I likeCooper. He’s a lovely young man, but I don’t think he’s going to ever become atrue operative. I think he’ll play around with it for a couple of years andthen go back to his first love.”
“Flying.” She’d always known that truth, too. “He’ll eithergo back to the military or go civilian. He’ll want a family and roots.” Wouldshe get an invite to his wedding one day? Hear about the birth of his firstkid? She wanted that for him, but damn it hurt. “Yeah, I suspect he will. I’msure we can find someone else for logistics.”
The door opened and Drake strode out, stopping when he sawKala sitting there with Lena. His eyes widened. “You two okay?”
Lena waved him off, standing. “Just having a chat. Youheading back to the hotel?”
He nodded. “Yes. I’ve got a conference call with the Swedesin a couple of hours. You need a ride?”
Lena straightened her skirt and settled her purse on hershoulder. “Yes, thank you. And Kala, I hope you think about what I’ve saidtonight. I do think you can do great things, but you have to believe it, too.We can talk more at our next session.”
She gave Lena a jaunty thumbs-up before she walked away withDrake.
She wished the parking area didn’t wrap around. Had herparents snuck out the back door? Had Cooper?
She groaned. How had she fucked things up so badly?
“Are you sure you want me to help? I mean, I could sendsomeone who’s not like related and stuff. I think Gabe’s still here. He’s usedto weird projects,” a familiar voice said as the door came open. “Also, why? Iwould like to know why? Do I want to know why? Maybe I don’t.” Her brother Sethstopped, his skin flushing slightly. “Oh, hey, sis. Uh, you doing good?”
What the hell? “I don’t know. Am I, Seth? Who are youtalking to?”
Seth hung up really fast. “Dad. He wants me to come out toSanctum tomorrow. I think he’s pulling a prank on Uncle Adam. You know thosetwo. It never ends.”
She stared at him, trying to tell if he was lying. Sethwasn’t a great liar, but he did know how to add in some truth to throw thingsoff. “Is this about me?”
Seth held a hand up. “No. Dude, I do not fuck with you. Likewhatever happened tonight between you and Cooper is your business.” He seemedto think of something, and his jaw went tight. “Unless he did something heshouldn’t have. Do I need to deal with him?”