Page 46 of No More Spies

“Unless he was working with Huisman,” TJ replied. “I know. Idon’t believe it either, but Huisman plays games. What if this is all part ofhis game?”

“I need to see the bomb,” Lou said resolutely. “Can I get ona plane? I suspect the Swedish police aren’t going to turn it over any timesoon, and getting my hands on it would help enormously. I’ve studied thebombmaker’s work. I can tell you if it’s his.”

Drake nodded and sighed as though happy to have somethingactive to do. “Yes. I’ll inform the Swedish police you’re coming. You and TJcan fly out tomorrow.”

“Tris can go with them,” Big Tag said.

Kala’s hand came up. “I think I should be the one to go.”

Ian’s eyes lit with what Cooper always thought of as hiskarma’s-about-to-bite-your-ass expression. “Nope. You’ll be hiding because yoursister is going to Toronto to update the Canadians.”

Kenzie jumped in her seat, hands clapping. “Really?”

Ian groaned. “Well, now I’m thinking I should send someoneelse. Tasha could go with Dare.”

“I’ll be good. You know I will,” Kenzie promised. “And I’llget way more out of Ben Parker than anyone else will. He’s the subject matterexpert on Huisman. I’d like to know what he thinks of the attack on Dr. Walsh.”

She managed to sound halfway professional.

“I think it should be me,” Kala argued. “Kenz is way toointerested in Parker’s abs.”

Kenzie’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?”

Big Tag shook his head. “We are not fighting about this.Kala, you aren’t going. You have an appointment with Dr. Gallagher and physicaltherapy you shouldn’t miss. You are not clear to be out in the field yet, andhonestly, the last fucking place I would send you to is Toronto. So stand down.I can’t send you to Sweden because there’s only one Ms. Magenta out in theworld at a time, and it’s not you.”

A faint flush stained her cheeks, but she let out a deepbreath and stared straight ahead. “Understood.”

“All right, then let’s get out of here.” Big Tag stood.“Drake, why don’t you come by our place tomorrow for breakfast and we’lldiscuss this situation. I know exactly what Dr. Gallagher is here to do, whichis probably why my wife wants to murder her.”

Drake groaned and stood. “All right. Let’s get some sleep.”

The rest of the team made for the door, Kala pushing herchair back and starting to exit. Kenzie followed her, obviously wanting a word.Cooper meant to have one, too. He stood, ready to corner Kala and get to thebottom of whatever had happened in the privacy room.

“Not you.” Big Tag blocked his way.

There weren’t many men who were as tall as Cooper, but BigTag looked him straight in the eyes. “I need to talk to Kala.”

Big Tag glanced around, making sure they were alone and thedoor was shut. “You need to tell me what the fuck happened tonight.”

Well, there was a reason the man worked for the Agency. “Ishould point out that it’s none of your business, but I’m curious as to whichof our so-called friends saw you walking in and immediately informed you Kalaand I are taking our relationship to another level. Again, not anyone’sbusiness but ours.”

One side of Tag’s mouth curved up. “Impressive. I almostwant to honor that because it truly should be your business. If all I’d heardwas that you finally got your hands on my daughter after all these years andshe seems happy, I wouldn’t be having what is likely going to be a very awkwardconversation. But she does not look happy, Cooper.”

“It didn’t go the way we thought it would.” He wanted towalk away, but no one knew Kala like her father did. Not even her twin. Loumight have all the information, but she couldn’t know what it felt like to beKala. The closest he had was Big Tag. “I wanted to go slow. She wanted fast andthen… I think she was reliving something. She went somewhere else for a moment.And I’m a guy so…”

Big Tag slumped back in his chair, a weary sigh coming fromhis chest. “So your dick didn’t care that she was having a post-traumaticepisode and the inevitable happened. Tell me you wore a condom.”

Sometimes it was best to be upfront with the man. He sankback into his seat, too. “Nope. I know my last tests came back healthy, andquite frankly, if she wants to baby trap me, I’ll walk right into it. I’llhappily provide logistics for her ops with one of those baby carriers strappedto my chest.”

“Damn it. I want to hate you,” Ian admitted.

“Because of that night.” They hadn’t talked about it inyears. Years where he was completely uncertain how this man, who was such animportant part of his life, felt about him. Maybe it was time they all talkedabout it, stopped pretending it wasn’t a wall between them.

Icy blue eyes pinned Cooper. “You made her feel small.”

“I know.” There was nothing to do but take whatever Ian wasgoing to give him. He’d been wrong, and they were still paying for it. “And Icontinued to do it because I was too scared to talk to her about what happened.Not just when she was kidnapped, but what my words to her that night did toher. Now she doesn’t want to.”

“Oh, I assure you somewhere deep down she wants to, but youmight not like what she has to say,” Ian countered.