“Go away,” Cooper said in his absolute dommiest voice.
She had to admit. It was still hot, but now she knew she wasonly sexual in an intellectual fashion.
Hadn’t she known that all along? Hadn’t she known the lovingrelationship her parents shared wasn’t something she would ever have?
It was good to know.
She moved to the door.
“Kala, do not answer,” he ordered, getting off the bed.
Did he even know her? Well, she’d proven he didn’t, but heshould know she didn’t follow orders. She opened the door, and her sister stoodthere. Kenzie was in street clothes, and that told Kala everything she neededto know.
It was time to leave this dream behind and move back toreality.
“Huisman?” she asked.
Her sister nodded, her expression tight.
“Get dressed, Coop. Time to get to work.” She walked out anddidn’t look back.
Chapter Eight
Cooper sat back in the conference room they kept in TheHideout. It was meant for things like board meetings, but too often it turned agreat night into a work conference. Like tonight.
Not that it had been great. What the fuck had happened? Oneminute he was absolutely sure she’d been right there with him, moving with him,kissing him as though they’d never been apart, and the next she was pushing himoff her and he was proving he needed help for premature ejaculation.
“Dr. Rebecca Walsh-Shaw’s car exploded roughly an hour ago.It was her personal vehicle and was sitting in her driveway,” Big Tag said.
Kenzie gasped, sitting up, with tears already forming in hereyes. “Rebecca?”
Her mom sat forward. “She’s fine. She started it from insideher house so it would have time to warm up. Lucky for all of us, Huisman’s bombdidn’t take into account the fact that she always starts it before she actuallyleaves the house.”
“Where are they now?” Kala asked, her tone entirelyprofessional. She hadn’t even looked his way since she’d walked out of theprivacy room.
And he was angry about it. It sat in his gut. He wasn’t sureif he was angry at her or himself. He’d told himself to be patient, that shewas working through something. She had been the one Huisman tortured, and histrauma from thinking she was dead didn’t begin to touch what she’d beenthrough. But then if he’d tried to talk to her, had tried to get her tounderstand they could be more than an itch to scratch, she would have walkedanyway.
She put him in an impossible position time and time again.
When would he stop paying for the idiot his fifteen-year-oldself had been?
“Packing as fast as they can. Damon sent a couple of his mento escort them to London. Hannah was already in England. She’s at Oxford, butArran is going to have to be pulled out of school,” Big Tag replied. “TheSwedish police are watching them for now. Once they’re at The Garden, they’llhave twenty-four-seven security. But I have to worry about Jax and Tucker.Robert’s already got his family at The Garden. They’ve been living in London ina townhouse, but it’s better to close ranks at this point.”
He studied Kala as they began to talk about logistics. Whichwas supposed to be his area of expertise, but his brain wasn’t working onanything but her right now. Tristan was saying something about flying toColorado to escort Jax Lee and his family back to Texas. Someone talked aboutWyoming. He was pretty sure that was where Tucker lived. All of the men fromthe team so long ago would have to go into hiding.
Kala was perfectly flawless. She’d changed into streetclothes, and gone were the pretty pink curls, replaced with a ponytail thataccented her high cheekbones and the lips he’d kissed.
He’d kissed her and it had been everything. It had been likecoming fucking home, and then it had all gone wrong.
How had it gone wrong? In the beginning she’d responded tohim. There hadn’t been any hesitation in her kiss. She hadn’t fought him whenhe’d picked her up—and he’d done it for exactly the reason she thought he had.So everyone would know. He knew she would want to keep it on the down low, buthe had no intention of being her dirty secret. He could be her booty call butnot a secret.
Not like he’d made her when they were young.
He shoved aside the gut-gnawing guilt he felt.
She’d had a reaction. Likely to his weight being on her. Hadshe felt pinned down? Had it been too much dominance for the Dominatrix?
“I’ve called the Swedes, and they’re going to work with us,”Big Tag said, running a hand over his barely-there hair. He’d seen pictures ofBig Tag when he’d had blond hair that brushed his shoulders, but as long asCoop could remember he’d had a high and tight. He’d likely gotten pulled out ofa privacy room, too, since he was almost certain Big Tag and Charlotte had comefrom Sanctum.