Page 43 of No More Spies

She wouldn’t be able to take it. What if she didn’t like it?What if he didn’t like how she tasted? She was so weird, and what if this partof her was weird, too? Regular sex seemed safer. He would like regular sex andthen she would know. “Cooper, just do it. I don’t need the rest.”

His head came up, eyes flashing like he was going to arguewith her. There was the top who would need a sub. This was why it couldn’t workbut they’d agreed to this, and she was seeing it through. She was going toknow. Going to know once and for all of time that she wasn’t a virgin.

“The rest is the fun part,” he grumbled. “I told you, Iwon’t be able to last. I’m lucky I haven’t gone off yet.”

She didn’t want to fight and she didn’t want to lay thereworried he wasn’t enjoying it. The actual sex part was something every guyliked.

She should have talked about sex with her sisters more. Shetended to leave the room when Tasha and Kenz started up, and Lou blissfullydidn’t seem to need to tell her everything about her sex life with TJ. She’dlearned at a young age to tune her parents out. She’d gotten the meaningfulstuff. Wear a condom. Sex is important. Yadda, yadda.

He was so gorgeous, and the idea of disappointing him damnnear killed her. What was she doing? She was thinking again, her brain caughtin a never-ending wheel moving her toward panic.

“It’ll be fine,” she insisted, tugging on his arm. Whatshould she say? “I need you. Please, Coop.”

She needed to know. It was perverse. She’d waited all thistime, and suddenly she had to know. She couldn’t wait another second, and shewas well aware if Cooper drew out the foreplay she would freeze up. A visionflashed through her brain. A vision of herself laid out for a monster. Had helaid her out on a bed? Or just did whatever he’d done in the car they’dtransported her in? Had he waited until they were on the plane?

“Please.” She hated to beg but she couldn’t stop the words.She was at an inflection point. She did this with Cooper and gave herself achance at finding something normal or she might be done trying at all.

“Damn it,” Cooper cursed and lifted his hips. “I’m not evengoing to get my damn pants off. We can forgo the condom?”

“You know I’m on birth control,” she replied, her nervesflaring. They were doing this. It was happening. She was ready. Was she ready?“We’re both regularly tested. It’s fine.”

Cooper managed to shove his leathers down and then he wasspreading her legs, lowering himself on top of her.

Suddenly his weight did bother her, but he was kissing heragain and she let it go. It would be fine. This was Cooper, and she did wanthim. He made her feel more than anyone ever had. He could show her this world.It would be okay.

He thrust inside her, and she winced at the fullness. Itwasn’t pain. Not exactly. She was all kinds of wet down there, but it alsowasn’t pleasure. It wasn’t comfortable.

Cooper went still. “You feel so fucking good, baby. Betterthan I could have imagined.” He stared down at her, and the lust in his eyesseemed to clear. Concern replaced the desire she saw there. “Are you okay?Fuck. Baby, did I hurt you?”

She felt her jaw clench. “I’m fine.”

He reached up and brushed something off her cheek. “You’renot.”

Crying? She was fucking crying? She didn’t cry. The lasttime she’d cried it was because she was pinned down by a paralytic. Huismandidn’t need to tie her down to make her feel like a bug pinned to a board,studied for the amusement of others.

In a moment she was back and she felt the fire in her veins,knew she was going to die, and for the barest moment she’d been okay with itbecause it would free everyone she cared about. It would free him.

“Baby, stop,” he said, and then he gritted his teeth andgasped.

She went still, felt him move inside her, his warmth fillingher.

Cooper pushed himself off, rolling away. “I’m sorry. Kala,what the hell happened? You were somewhere else for a minute.” He scrambled tohis knees, looking down on her like she might be dying.

She was. On the inside. Of embarrassment. What had she done?She needed to play this cool. Long breath. Nothing was wrong. She forcedherself to roll over, getting off the bed and going for one of the robes thedungeon monitors stocked the privacy rooms with. “It’s all good. Can’t besexually compatible with everyone, I guess.”

She belted the robe and turned, and Cooper was still on hisknees though he’d tucked his cock away. She hadn’t even gotten a good look atit. His mouth was open as he stared at her like she’d said somethingunbelievable.

She simply shrugged and tried not to think about how soreshe was. He was big. She should have known he would be big. But it didn’t looklike she’d bled or anything. She hadn’t felt some tearing sensation.

So she would make of that what she would.

She was not going to cry. He didn’t seem to want to sayanything. This was going to be one of The Hideout’s shortest hook-ups, itappeared. “Now we know. It’s good to know.”

“We know nothing,” he replied, his eyes narrowing. “And I’mworried I know less than nothing. Kala, get back on this bed. We’re going totalk.”

There was a knock on the door, something that was neversupposed to happen. Privacy rooms were private, and unless there was anemergency, no one was supposed to interrupt.

Thank god something had blown up or someone had died and shewould feel bad about it later because right now, that knock was her salvation.