It wasn’t a plea. It was a…strongly worded request. Shestared at him for a moment and then slowly brought her foot up, gently placingit on his thigh. He found the zipper, easing it down, letting his fingertipsbrush the back of her knee and then her calf. Such warm skin, soft and silkyover firm muscle.
He pulled the ridiculously sexy boot off, setting it to theside before running his hand back up to her knee. “Does massage help at all?”
“Cooper.” His name came out on a groan.
“Hey, you did almost all the work tonight.” He set his thumbagainst her calf, pressing in. One of the classes he’d taken as a member of TheHideout was in therapeutic massage. Of course he’d also taken one in eroticmassage, but he had to work up to that. He had to work up to tweaking hernipples and finding that place on her glutes that relaxed her enough he couldslide a finger in her asshole, getting her ready to take his cock. “I think Ishould contribute something.”
Her eyes closed as he started to rub. “We need to lookaround and find some women subs looking for a professional top.”
“Or I can accept the fact that everyone wants the Mistress,”he whispered, finding the arch of her foot and making her moan. “I don’t mindbeing your assistant. Besides, I give the gay guys some eye candy, and don’tdiscount that. I’m sure it’s fun to have something pretty to look at whileyou’re getting your balls busted. By the way, did I mention you look lovelytonight? I like the hair.”
“I curled it.” She was also curling her toes, and that senta thrill through him. “That feels so good. I hate massage. I don’t like peopletouching me.”
“You don’t like strangers touching you,” he countered. She’dalways been that way. It hurt her in school where everyone thought she was somekind of freak because she had boundaries. “You’re very affectionate with yourfriends. You just don’t go around hugging every single human being you meet.You’re picky, and that’s fine. The physical therapist isn’t recommendingmassage?”
She groaned and leaned back against the table, the motioncausing her breasts to swell against her corset. “Yeah, but I don’t have to dowhat he says.”
“Kala,” he admonished.
Her eyes came open. “I have to see a fucking shrink, Coop. Ican’t do it all. I need to give on something.”
Compromise. He could do it. “Fine. As long as you let meknow when you’re tight. I can take care of it, and you don’t have to deal withsomeone you don’t know touching you.”
“You don’t top me, Coop,” she said, and he knew the tigerwas close.
Luckily, he’d dealt with her tiger many times. He squeezedher toes and her eyes fluttered. “I know. I’m only thinking of the team. We’regoing to get back in the field soon, and do you honestly want Kenz to take thelead in finding Huisman?”
“Fine,” she agreed with a long sigh. “The things I have togo through for this team.”
It was a lie she told herself. She loved her team. She woulddo anything for them. He needed to get her somewhere more comfortable.Somewhere he could ease that corset off her and then rub her back. He wouldn’ttry anything. He was being patient. “Why don’t we go to a privacy room so I canwork on you? You’re tight, and you’ll be so much more ready for whatever yourdad throws at us tomorrow if you’re loose.”
“I think we should fuck.”
He stepped back, dropping her leg. “What?”
A brow rose over her icy blue eyes. “Is it that surprising?Or repugnant?”
Holy hell. What was going through her head? “Surprising. Notthe other thing. Never. Kala, you have to admit you’re the one who hasn’twanted more of a relationship than we have.”
“And I don’t now. I’m not asking to be your girlfriend. Ijust think I don’t have anyone I’m sleeping with now and you don’t…” Shestopped, staring at him for a moment. “I didn’t think about whether or not youhave someone. I should have asked.”
“You never have to ask. You’ll always know.” Frustrationwelled where moments before he was preaching patience. This was what shebrought out in him. The good, the bad. Everything Cooper McKay could possiblybe, this woman unlocked. “I tell you everything. You’re my best friend.”
She leaned over, unzipping her other boot and stepping out.“I doubt it.”
“I might not be yours, but you’re mine. I hang out with TJand Tris and the guys. I really thought Zach and I had a friendship going, butnone of them compare to what I have with you. I’m not trying to replace Lou oranything, but since I walked on to this team, my focus has been you.”
“Interesting.” She set both boots near her kit. “We’ve nevertalked about this. I was actually surprised you said yes. We hadn’t seen eachother for more than a few minutes at a family get-together for years.”
“For eight years, four months, and three days,” he repliedquietly. “From the moment you told me at graduation you didn’t think we shouldtalk anymore. You told me college would be an excellent time to move on.”
“You make me sound so cold,” she murmured, her eyes notmeeting his.
It wasn’t how he remembered it. His heart had broken, buthe’d also known why she’d done it. “No, you were awkward, and you didn’t knowhow to tell me what you were really feeling.”
Now her eyes came up to catch his gaze, an almostchallenging look in the blue orbs. “How was I feeling, Cooper?”
“Betrayed. Alone,” he replied. “You never let go of whathappened that night when I was so fucking dumb. You allowed yourself to fallinto something of a friendship with me, but you held yourself apart, and thenwe were going to different schools. You didn’t have that tether to hold on to.You decided it would be easier to dump me than to watch it all fall apart.”