Eve McKay was just happy to be upright. Getting shot sucked.It was why she was really more of a behind-the-desk employee. Of course, havingall her kids home made up for some of the pain. Vivian had come home fromEngland, where she shared a flat with Sophy Weston. Both had hopped the firstplane they could find, and they’d stayed for the wedding. Having her baby girlhome for a while was lovely. Since Vivi was home, Hunter and Cooper had beencoming over most days. Being with her family was the best thing in the world.
And all she had to do was take a bullet.
“You should be grateful,” Eve told her friend. “You haveplenty to do with Tasha’s wedding, and don’t bring up the double-wedding thing.You know Kala would die before sitting around picking flowers and DJs. Tash ismore than happy to have a big to-do.”
Tasha’s wedding to Dare Nash was coming up in a few months,and Charlotte was deeply invested.
Charlotte whined a little because she was deeply invested inall of her kids. Even the ones who wouldn’t like a big wedding. “But I couldhave done it for her.”
Eve looked out over the gathering. Top was closed for theevening, the entire restaurant filled with friends and family celebrating awedding that felt like it would never happen. They had managed to convince thebride and groom that they could do a pared-down service here at Top. Theceremony itself had been brief and beautiful, with Kala surprising everyone sheknew by giving her vows in the form of a poem.
And she let her brother play guitar, so it was almost like asong.
It had been a beautiful, romantic gesture from a woman whodidn’t make them. Except for her husband. Cooper had found a rare treasure inhis wife. “It was what they wanted. They didn’t want to wait, didn’t needanything more than this.”
Charlotte sniffled. “I suppose. I just wish her cousin couldhave been here.”
Devi was still missing. The team had been trying to trackZach but had come up with nothing. They’d had a bit more luck with Huisman, whoseemed to be in Asia. They were working with other intelligence agencies.Specifically in Nepal. She would have to watch her son and new daughter-in-lawgo back into danger, and way sooner than she would like. Which was never.
As long as Huisman was out there, no one in their world wassafe. Maybe no one intheworld was safe. But she had faith. If anyonecould save the world, it was their kids.
So proud. She was so damn proud of them all.
“Well, she’s not here because she’s a dumbass,” Erin said,walking up to join them. She was accompanied by Serena Dean-Miles. There was aglass of champagne in her hand and a frown on her face. “I still can’t believeshe ditched her guard. I told Zach he should spank her ass good. I hope they’reholed up in a club and she gets acquainted with a spanking bench. I knewtimeouts didn’t work. Especially when her father would sit there with her. Iblame Theo.”
“He wasn’t much of a disciplinarian,” Serena noted. “Whichis why all the kids adored him.”
Eve felt her eyes go wide because Serena was missing thepoint. “You talked to him?”
“Of course,” Erin replied. “He keeps us up to date, and Devicomplains bitterly. Do you seriously think I would be calmly hanging out hereif I didn’t know she was safe?”
Serena nodded. “I’ve talked to her, too. Devi is Brianna’sbest friend. She was planning some crazy stuff. Those girls do not leave eachother behind.”
Erin stared at Serena. “Yeah, it was all about Bri. Tell meyou’re not plotting the book right now.”
Serena was a romance writer. A grin crossed her face. “It’sgoing to be fabulous. The kids are really giving me vibes. I think I’m evenmore prolific now.”
“He contacted us two days after he took her,” Charlotteexplained, eyeing her sister-in-law. “Though that’s supposed to beconfidential.”
Erin waved it off. “I’m not Agency. I don’t have to keeptheir secrets. Besides, that boy is good with technology. Tristan’s been tryingto catch his signal when he calls, but he can’t do it. We’re pretty surethey’re in the States. Or Europe. Or we don’t know and my daughter has a mouthon her. I’m proud of her for that. Less proud that she was a dumbass and gotEve shot.”
“I don’t blame her for that. It wasn’t like she pulled thetrigger,” Eve argued.
“She didn’t understand the situation, and she thought Zachdumped her,” Charlotte tried to explain.
“She was acting out, but it’s understandable,” Serenaagreed. “She didn’t think Zach cared enough about her that his enemies wouldthink she was a good target.”
“Well, she’s aware now that he was always interested,” Erinquipped. “It’s a weird life, my friends. I feel like I have couples sessionswith my daughter and her kidnapper, and I often come out on the kidnapper’sside.”
Eve gave her a half hug, leaning into Erin. “If it helps, Ithink he’s desperately in love with her.”
Erin sighed. “And I know she loves him, but I worry this isgoing to end in tragedy. I’m not worried about her being in danger. Zach isvery competent, and I believe him when he tells me if he needs to, he’ll bringher home. I think Zach is trying to spend what he thinks are his last days withher. It makes my heart ache.” She took a long breath. “But I’m so happy forKala and Cooper. And you guys didn’t even have to do the whole wedding-planthing. Daphne is serious about wedding planning. Lou is too busy working. TJonly cares about what food is going to be served, so someone had to step up andwedding plan with our future in-laws.”
Charlotte grinned. “Theo’s doing a great job. The peonies heselected are going to be lovely at the church.”
“Oh, and I’ve seen his color scheme for the reception.”Grace walked up with Avery O’Donnell. “Their venue is going to be gorgeous, andit will be Theo’s doing. Daphne, for all her enthusiasm, is more about the cakeand trying to force Lou into a wedding dress. Theo could go into weddingplanning.”
“I know I talked to him about the outdoor wedding Daisy andNate are planning, and he had so many helpful hints,” Avery added and thenfrowned. “He also told me I should be prepared for any number of weird weatherthings to happen. We are talking about Daisy, so it’ll probably be a tornado,but Theo has thoughts on how to plan around it.”