Page 124 of No More Spies

“I don’t need your voice, woman,” Huisman snarled, everyword a dark threat. “As for you, you will do what I asked or I’ll be the onetaking your eyes. Am I clear?”

The guard nodded and started to walk away.

“Follow him,” Huisman ordered another guard. “If he doesn’tdo it, kill him.”

Now they were down to four guards. But they were running outof time.

Zach seemed ready to panic. “If you hurt her, all bets areoff.”

“But she’ll be alive,” Huisman argued, pouring himself aglass of what looked like whiskey or bourbon. “Isn’t that the important thing?The poor girl. She’ll be upset to find out your love only extends to her eyes.However, it’s probably a better way to go. She’ll be utterly useless, like mostwomen.”

“How dare you.” Lena had been frozen, but she started tomove now. “After everything I did for you. You know what? Let’s see how youfeel when I put that bitch out of her misery.”

She started after the guards.

Now he needed to get moving.

Huisman waved it all off. “The guards won’t let her. Theyhave strict instructions to keep Kala Taggart alive. They’ll take care of Lena.I won’t call her a doctor. The amount of people trying to aggrandize themselvesshocks me. Shall we have a drink while we wait for our prize?”

Zach looked Cooper’s way and nodded. His hand went to hiswaist. “Or I can show you what my mother can do.”

He pushed against his torso and the world started toexplode. Light and heat blasted from behind them, the windows shattering in therooms around them. He heard one of the guards scream, but Huisman stood there,glass in hand, perfectly comfortable with the chaos.

And the fucker smiled as though this all amused him.

“Get the women,” Zach yelled his way. “I’ll take care ofthis guy.”

Huisman reached into his pocket. “Oh, Captain Reed, did youthink I wouldn’t have a backup plan? Though this was spectacular. I thank you.I assume now that this is to distract me while Taggart rides in. What a fun wayto end this day.” He pressed down. “I have just begun a fire in the basement.Good luck getting them out. Or you can try to take me in. What will youchoose?”

They didn’t have guns and there were still guards movingaround. He had seconds, and he already knew what his choice was.

Cooper ran for the kitchen and hoped he got there in time.

* * * *

Every inch of her body ached as the guard slammed the doorshut behind her.

At least the lights were on and she’d gotten a halfwaydecent look at the locking mechanism. It was one she’d dealt with before, andif she had the right tools and enough time, she might be able to get them outof here.

“Kala, I’m so sorry.” Devi knelt to help her up.

The guard stood on the other side of the door, staring downat them, a bank of monitors behind him. The security system had gotten anupgrade.

“You should behave now,” the guard said. “I’m taking a leak.Make yourselves comfy, ladies. You’re going to be here for a while.”

Not if Kala could help it. Of course, she had to get herarms functioning first. “You’re sorry? What are you sorry for, Devi? Forignoring my very reasonable advice and ditching the guard who could haveavoided this for you? For probably getting Landon fired? For getting Eve shot?How about getting me tortured?”

Devi’s eyes closed briefly. “You do not hold back, cousin.”

“I never have.” Her teeth chattered, and she forced her jawto close. She flexed her hands.

“I’m sorry for all of it,” Devi whispered. “Let me help youup.”

She shook her head. “I need a minute, and that’s probablyall we have. Although I noticed he didn’t use the bathroom down here.”

“You know there’s a bathroom down here?”

“This is where Julia Ennis took me and Kyle.”