Page 123 of No More Spies

“Hey, you brought him two important assets,” Zach argued.“He’ll be thrilled when it’s your work that brings him the bombmaker.”

This was kind of fun. He watched Lena’s shoulders go back,pride on her face again. And then he went in for the kill. “And he won’t needyou anymore. I’m sure he’ll still want you around. You won’t be a liability oranything. He’ll probably give you a pension or something. Maybe a good letterof recommendation to the next evil asshole looking for minions.”

Her hand came back again, and Cooper simply smiled. Shemight do better this time.

The guard walked in and gestured for them to stand, gettingin between Cooper and Lena. “Dr. Gallagher, maybe you should go inside. I don’tthink he wants anyone out here. Despite how far we are from the town, therecould still be eyes on us.”

Lena turned and started walking back in.

The guard watched her. “Did you have to wind her up likethat?” He sighed. “Get up. Dr. Huisman will see you now.”

Like they were being invited in for tea. He stood besideZach as the guard took their places around them. Two in front and two on thesides. How many did that leave for the team?

They were given a cursory pat down. Exactly what Zach hadbeen counting on. No one touched his waist except at his hips. When they weresatisfied, the guard nodded.

Lena walked in front of them, her boots pounding against theporch boards, an agitated sound. She pushed through the double doors. “Manny,are you insane? We should leave right now. I don’t buy this bullshit for asecond.”

Huisman stood at the top of the stairs, two guards flankinghim. “Lena, do you think I don’t know what I’m doing? Do you think I don’t haveeyes on Taggart? Even now he’s huddled up in his office building with the restof the team. They entered the building six hours ago. I do believe they’retrying to figure out where to go. I know their jet is on standby. They haven’tfiled a flight plan yet because they can’t figure out where to look.”

Lena pointed his way. “Yeah, but their pilot is here. Haveyou thought about that?”

“I snuck him out,” Zach claimed. “I was in Dallas todaymeeting with someone my mother works with. When I received your message, I knewI needed backup I could count on, and that’s my brother. You can’t possiblyexpect me to turn myself over without a guard to escort the women out of here.He’s part of the deal.”

“Ah, so he knows now.” Huisman started down the stairs.

This was where he hoped he was a better liar than Kalathought he was. “I’ve known since he joined the team.”

Huisman stopped, his expression shuttering. “No, you havenot.”

Either he had someone on the inside—and by inside it wouldhave to be an actual member of the team—or he was guessing. The good news abouthis team? The only one who wasn’t solid was standing beside him. “Zach told mewhen he joined the team.”

Huisman’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t believe you.”

Huisman was really arrogant. The man hadn’t even restrainedthem. He was counting on his guards and their fear for the women. One of thosethings did keep Cooper on a leash, and it sure wasn’t the guards. “It doesn’tmatter in the end. I’d like to see Kala and Devi. I’ll take them off yourhands. I have a car waiting at the road. Should I bring it down?”

Huisman’s mask slipped back on, and he seemed jovial again.“Oh, I think we should negotiate first. I am completely willing to part withDevon Taggart in exchange for your brother selling out his mother.” He walkedto the small bar. It was a neatly kept tray in what appeared to be the frontlounge. “Kala is another story. Kala is… Well, she’s a personal project ofmine.”

Zach’s hand reached out, stilling Cooper. “There’s no dealwithout Kala.”

Huisman’s smile was vaguely reptilian. “Then I’m afraid wewon’t have a deal. Perhaps you will change your mind when I start cutting offpieces of young Miss Taggart. Or perhaps I’ll get creative and take her eyes.She’s some sort of designer. Well, she’ll find other work. Guard, go down tothe basement and shove your thumbs into Miss Taggart’s eyes. Bring them to me.”He held up a hand. “The redhead. Don’t touch the pink-haired one. She’s mine.But she’s a bit of a feral animal at this point, so you might give her a shockor knock her out before you open the cage.”

If they opened the cage, Kala would have a shot. Even ifthey used a Taser on her. She handled that pretty well. And Devi knew a bitabout self-defense. If they set off the bombs after the cage was open, they hada fighting chance. Though he didn’t know what they’d already taken from Kala.

“No,” Zach practically shouted. “I’ll do it. I’ll get mymother here. Let Devi go with my brother. I’ll call her as soon as Devi’sgone.”

He looked to his brother. “I’m not leaving Kala here.”

The guard turned to Huisman. “You want me to stick myfingers in her eyes?”

While Huisman stared at his guard, Zach winked his way, andhis hand came up to his waist as though highlighting the detonator he hadthere.

It was almost time. He wasn’t going to leave Kala, but afight between them would be a distraction.

“And I’m not letting them blind my girlfriend,” Zach said.“You take her out of here. I’ll deal with Kala.”

“I think you should send Kala away,” Lena argued. “If yousend her out, Taggart might stop looking. We need to regroup. I don’t like thefact that McKay is here. I think Taggart is here, too. He’s hiding.”

A crack bounced through the room, and Cooper realized it hadbeen the sound of Huisman’s hand hitting Lena’s face. The psychologist put apalm to her cheek.