Page 121 of No More Spies

“You’ll go to prison?” He didn’t like the sound of that.Even if he was still angry at Zach.

Zach shrugged as they turned the corner, and the house cameinto full view. “Hey, I’m carrying on the family tradition, I suppose. Stayclose to me if you can. I’m hoping this asshole will monologue awhile before Ineed to set off the bombs. I want to give Big Tag some time to get everyoneinto place.”

“You didn’t tell him what places needed covering,” Cooppointed out.

“Don’t have to,” Zach replied. “That’s the great thing aboutBig Tag and Charlotte. They’ll know what to do. I’m going to need you topretend you’ve been with me all along. You’ve known we’re brothers for the twoyears we’ve been working together.”

Subterfuge. He could handle that.

He glanced off to the side of the house and saw a choppersitting on a launch pad. “I wonder how long that’s been there. And how longit’s going to be there.”

“I couldn’t get close enough,” Zach admitted. “I hope BigTag knows about it because if Huisman wants to run, that’s how he’ll do it. Ineed you to understand that if it comes down to it, you leave me behind and getthe ladies out of here. I think he’s got a thing for Kala now, and Huismanlikes to break his toys, if you know what I mean.”

The words threatened to make him sick, but he was shovingdown all emotion at this point. Up ahead he saw the porch light to the bighouse come on.

“They see us,” Coop noted.

“Don’t forget. You left the team this afternoon when Icalled you. He knows about your relationship with Kala. Assume he knows almosteverything,” Zach said, his voice tight. “And what happens if you can’t get meout.”

That was easy. “Oh, I’ll leave your lying ass behind.” Hewasn’t thrilled with Zach, but he also was already softening and would kind oflike to know the story. His parents were his parents, and his brother andsister were his siblings. But there was always room for more. “Brother.”

Zach stopped, his eyes on Cooper. “I hope we can sit downwith our ladies and have a beer one day. If we can’t, know that I loved youfrom the minute I knew you existed. I know you have a family, but I don’t havemuch anymore. Thank you for sharing yours. Even for a little while.”

Damn it. He didn’t want the surge of sympathy that rolledover him. Or the curiosity about the man who was technically his big brother.He’d always been the big brother to Hunter and Vivian. There had definitelybeen times in his life when he could have used a guiding hand. Maybe if Zachhad been around, he and Kala wouldn’t have wasted so much time. “Zach, don’tfucking die.”

Up ahead he could see two armed guards coming out of thehouse, rifles pointed their way.

“It’s show time, little brother,” Zach said and put hishands up. He dropped to his knees. “When the time comes, a punch to the kidneysmight be called for.”

Cooper did the same. He’d disarmed back at the van with theexception of the camera Lou had given him. It was a weapon of sorts. It woulddefinitely send intel back to the team about what was happening. “Who am Ipunching?”

He hoped it was Huisman. The guards yelled some guard-likethings. Hands up. We’ll shoot. Shit like that, but Coop was watching Zach. Hehad a grim look on his face as the guards approached.

“Me, if you have to,” Zach said under his breath.

“Both of you stand up,” one of the guards said. Now therewere four of them. “Who the hell are you? This is private property.”

“This is Dr. Emmanuel Huisman’s property, and I think you’llfind I was invited,” Zach said. “Tell him Captain Reed is here to discuss avery important matter with him. You’ll find I’m unarmed and hoping we can dealwith the issue like gentlemen. My brother is here to ensure the negotiations gosmoothly.”

“Hey,” Cooper said, giving the big guy a nod. “Nice placeyou have here. Do you know if they’re hiring?”

Sarcasm. He’d gotten it from his woman.

The guard ignored him, pulling his radio out and talking inFrench.

“He’s calling his boss, who’s going to talk to Huisman,”Zach said quietly, his arms still behind his head, but no one was tying them upyet. Zach was counting on Huisman’s curiosity and his arrogance. “The boss saysHuisman is with one of the prisoners.”

He should have learned French. He was fluent in Spanish,German, and Russian, but only because he liked to know what the Taggart girlssaid about him. He’d learned Russian early since they spoke it around him allthe time. Even when he was a kid he hadn’t wanted to be left out of any group.

Now he only needed one. “Kala. He’ll be with Kala.”

He hoped he would be escorted to where she was. Huismancould be cruel and might think seeing her being tortured would wreck him. Itwould, but it would also mean he was in the room with her. The closer he couldget, the more easily he could snatch her up and run like hell.

Nothing mattered but getting her and Devi out of here.

“Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in,” a familiar voicesaid. Lena Gallagher stood not ten feet away from them. Her head tilted,features shadowy in the dim light from the moon. “I expected the captain.You’re a surprise, McKay. Where’s your boss and how did he find us?”

Cooper tilted his head slightly Zach’s way. “Boss is rightthere, lady. He’s in charge of this insane op.”