You’re going to be the best aunt. He’s going to loveyou.Travis.
Those voices meshed together, and she suddenly couldn’t hearthe others anymore, like a grand symphony of love taking over. The dark voiceswere still there. Would always be, but she could silence them with help. Shecould be stronger.
Stay alive,Cooper whispered.I’m coming.
She didn’t need to see him. Didn’t need to hold him to knowhe loved her. They all loved her.
And she would survive.
A blast of pain went through her system, and she wassuddenly awake again. The world was filled with harsh light and jagged edges.
She couldn’t move. Ah, yes, the paralytic. He used anexperimental paralytic drug. It kept her still, but she could feel everythingthe man did to her.
“I thought you were better than this.” Huisman was a shadowyfigure beyond the lights. Surgical lights.
Fun times. “I’ll try to be more focused, Doc.”
“Why are you smiling?” Huisman sounded a bit disturbed.
Was she? Maybe she was perverse. Or maybe she’d figured outsomething so big that the torture didn’t seem as bad as it had before. “I guessit’s because you hurt so good, Doc.”
She wasn’t giving him a damn thing.
Huisman stepped in, his dark eyes hovering over her. “Ihaven’t truly begun. This is all merely for fun. A warm-up. I haven’t evengiven you the real drugs yet. Just a new concoction that elevates the pain ofbasic wounds. I’ve been using a violet wand on an extremely high setting. Itshould feel like I’m cutting you deep. You’re covered with beautiful burns now,but I think we’ll go more old school. Bring me the torch.”
If she’d been able to move, she was sure her body would havestiffened. This was going to hurt.
And she would take it. She had a family to get back to,after all.
“Tell me where Zach Reed is,” Huisman demanded.
“Fuck right the fuck off,” she replied. If she passed outagain and did the conscious dreaming thing, she was going to top Cooper in somany nasty ways. So many.
“He’s in the hallway, sir,” another voice said.
Huisman stopped and turned. “What?”
“Reed is in the hallway with some other dude. Says it’s hisbrother.”
Kala tried to lift her head. He wouldn’t be this stupid.Couldn’t be. Cooper wouldn’t walk in and try to exchange himself for her.
If he died, she was going to kill him.
Although he did seem to have spared her the torch. For now.
“What an interesting surprise. I suppose my network is up todate since he found his way here so quickly. Send another patrol out. Tell themto expand the radius and get those cameras focused on anyone coming near thehouse. Also, get the helicopter ready in case. Let’s go see what’s happening,”Huisman said. “Take her back and throw her in with the other.”
“Uhm, sir, the paralytic is still in effect. She should bemonitored. We know it can cause heart trouble,” another voice said. It was goodto know he had helpers.
“She’s strong. I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Huisman turned andwalked away.
And Kala prayed she got to see her love one more time.
Cooper followed Zach down the road, adrenaline starting topour through his system. “You know Drake’s going to try to take you in. He kindof has to.”
“I’m not going in,” Zach replied. “I’m not ready yet. Ipromise you when the time is right and I’ve got all my work done, I’ll turnmyself in and I won’t be a problem anymore.”