“Why do we need to track the plane?” Lou asked as TJ walkedoutside.
Cooper followed Ian and Charlotte as they entered theconference room. “Because we won’t be able to use her tracker. It’s Huisman. Hekilled it before.”
Lou was hot on his heels. “Yes, I know. It’s why I gave hera new one. Why hasn’t Uncle Ian pulled it up?”
“I tried.” Ian stood, looking over Tristan’s shoulder. “It’sshowing offline. You know he has tech that can kill our trackers. It’s how hegot her the first time. Tris is going to give us a list of planes that could beLena’s. What I need from you is to hop on traffic cams around this building andsee if we can ID what vehicle they used. If we can follow them via the camerafeed, we’ll have a better idea of what airport they flew out of.”
“That’s a good idea.” Charlotte looked happy to havesomething to do. “I’ll help you, Lou.”
Lou’s eyes closed, and she sighed. “No one ever listens tome.”
What was going on with Lou? She wasn’t as freaked out as sheshould be. Almost like she knew something the rest of them didn’t. “Iancouldn’t find her tracker.”
Lou looked up at him. “Did he use the new login I gave himor did he forget and go back to the old one?”
Ian’s head came up. “There’s a new login?”
A frustrated sigh came from Lou’s mouth, and she pulled outher laptop. “I gave everyone the rundown on the new trackers and what they cando. And what can’t be done to them. No one listens. I’m sure you were alldoodling or thinking about what we were going to do in the club later thatnight.” Her fingers moved across the keys, typing with precision and a littleirritation. “Seriously, I invented a whole new technology that protects ourtrackers from mild EMPs, which is what he used last time. He won’t even be ableto tell it’s still online, and do I get a cookie?” She turned her laptop screenaround. “She’s in the air.”
Sure enough, there was a blip on the screen moving overNorth Texas to the east.
Cooper walked to Lou and wrapped her up in a big hug. “Youare a freaking genius, Louisa Ward.”
“That’s why they hired me.” She laid her head on Cooper’sshoulder. “We’re going to get her back. We’ll get them both back. They’ll beokay.”
“Lou, I swear I’ll listen to every lecture about science youever try to give again.” Big Tag came in behind her and kissed the top of herhead. “I’ll get the jet ready. Cooper, I need you to make an educated guessabout where they’re going. We’re following.”
“Hey, did everyone figure out Lou already solved theproblem?” TJ joined in, wrapping his arms around Lou from behind. “I didn’tknow why everyone was so grim. I mean besides your mom nearly dying and mysister and Kala being in the clutches of a madman. But Lou will get us thereand we’ll fix it.”
Such confidence.
And suddenly he had it, too.
“Did Lou find her?” Tasha was in the doorway, and Cooper sawa sight he hadn’t counted on. Kenzie. She was still in the dress she’d wornwhen she met Ben Parker.
“Of course she did,” Kenz said. She moved in and joined whatwas now a big bear hug, mostly around Lou. “She invented a whole new tech soshe wouldn’t lose Kala again. She gave us a lecture about it.”
At least one of them listened. “We’ll get her back.”
With this team around him, they would make it happen.
* * * *
Kala came awake in darkness, nausea rolling through her.
“There’s a bucket to your right,” a familiar voice said.“The drug you took, the side effects include vomiting. Usually after thesubject wakes.”
His voice made her sick, too. She wanted to prove him wrong,but her stomach wasn’t in compliance. She rolled to her right and found thebucket just before the contents of her stomach came up. Chocolate croissantsweren’t as good the second time around, but at least she hadn’t eaten the pizzashe’d wanted to order. “Where’s my cousin?”
She hated being in the dark. Where the hell was Devi andwhat had she already gone through?
“She’s safe,” Huisman said, his deep voice accented lightly.French. He was born in Montreal, though he’d spent his formative years inToronto. Still, that French accent was there in every word of English he spoke.“For now. I wanted to talk to you. What do you know about the bombmaker?”
She got to her feet. She needed to figure out where the hellshe was and how much rope he’d given her. There was zero way she wasn’t in acage. She held her hands out, trying to find the bars or walls or whatever hehad planned for her. “She’s Shannon Reed.”
“Very good,” he said, sounding almost proud. “And you knowZach is your boyfriend’s biological brother. He’s boring, you know.Fastideux.Perhaps he would have been more interesting had he been raised by his truemother.”
“I assure you Eve McKay is his true mother.”