He’d already thought about that. When Landon had finishedmaking his calls, Cooper had ordered him to go into the security office andpull everything they had. It wouldn’t show what happened inside, but they hadcameras covering all around the building and in the parking lot. “Landon isdoing that right now.”
“Yeah, I’ll be having a talk with him,” Big Tag said grimly.
Cooper’s hands were trembling. He forced them to stop. Cool.Calm. He needed to stay that way. “Don’t be hard on him. Devi’s been acting uplately. She ditched him, and he came after her. He was too late. I think wehave to bet she took Devi as a way to draw Zach out. Huisman wants thebombmaker, after all.”
“Then why take Kala?” Charlotte asked, her face pale.
“Because Huisman wants to hurt me,” Big Tag said with grimsurety. “I’ve already got word into Drake that his super-psychologist was aplant. Between Zach and now Lena, we’ve got some real problems with theAgency’s vetting process. I have to wonder where the hell Huisman found her andhow much he paid her.”
His mom had said something he hadn’t truly understood. “Momsaid Lena is someone’s daughter. Do you know a guy named Nelson?” What was thefirst name? “Evan, maybe.”
For the first time in his life, he watched Ian Taggart’s jawdrop. “Eli fucking Nelson? He didn’t have kids. He wasn’t married.”
“And I blew up the boat he was on. Technically, he blew itup himself. He didn’t know I’d transferred the bomb to his ship,” Charlotteexplained.
Ian ran a hand over his sandy hair, a look of complete shockon his face. “He said it to Kala.The sins of your father will be visitedupon you.He’s been planning this for a fucking decade. He found Lena,brought her in, placed her where she could work her way close to the target.Us.”
“I knew she was up to something. I think she’s been usingthose so-called therapy sessions against Kala.” Charlotte paced. “She’s beentrying to isolate her so she could do exactly this.”
“And when it didn’t work, she used Devi and Eve to get Kalato comply,” Cooper explained. “That’s what my mom said.”
“You should go to the hospital and be with your dad,”Charlotte offered.
Big Tag’s head shook. “He’s not going anywhere except towork. He’s not going to be able to do or think about anything else right now. Icalled Hunter. He’s on his way. And Vivi’s trying to find a flight from London.Sean and Grace are on their way, too. Alex is going to have support.”
A huge relief. In so many ways. Not only realizing his dadwasn’t alone, but that Big Tag knew his heart. “I’m on this team. I won’t loseit the way I did last time. She would be pissed if I did, and she already makesfun of me, so I’m going in stoic this time.”
“See that you do.” Big Tag reached for his wife’s hand,drawing her close. “We’re going to find her.”
Charlotte wrapped her arms around her husband and held on.
The door came open, and Tristan strode through. He alreadyhad his laptop in hand. He looked like he’d come from the gym, dressed insweats and a T-shirt. “Aidan dropped me off. He’s heading to the hospital butwants you to know he’ll come along if we figure out where they are. Or Carys.He wants a doctor there.”
“We’ll take Aidan. His specialty is…” Cooper had to take along breath. “Trauma. God, hasn’t she had enough damn trauma? At least I thinkhe’ll keep Devi halfway healthy because Zach won’t come in otherwise, but he’lltorture Kala. Again.”
Tris moved in, giving him a big hug. “It’s going to be okay.She’s the toughest woman I know. And you should understand that I’ve alreadyput the word out to Zach. There are some places I know he used to frequent onthe Internet. I have to hope he still checks those addresses.”
“We can’t count on him,” Cooper said, stepping back, but hewas in control again. “The last time I saw him he was… Well, the last time Kalasaw him he was walking through the Rocky Mountains. I was kind of drugged.”
“He’ll have a way,” Charlotte said, wiping her eyes. “I’mgoing to look at those security cams.”
Landon stepped out of the office. “She took them offlinesomehow. They’re blank from five minutes after Eve walked in the door to rightbefore I showed up. I have to assume they had something that took the wirelessoffline.”
“Okay, we need to think. Where would they take her?”Charlotte asked. “She said she was flying to DC. Is there any way they wouldtake her somewhere close? She wouldn’t get on a plane without knowing wherethey were heading.”
“No, but we have to assume using drugs to knock her out wasalways the plan,” Big Tag replied. “We need a list of small planes that tookoff in the last hour. I know we can’t be certain whatever flight plan they putin place is the real one, but we can call in the big guns and use satellites totrack it.”
“To track what?” Lou was breathless as she ran in. She hadher laptop bag over her shoulder. She was in pajama bottoms and a hoodie. TJwas behind her wearing roughly the same. It looked like they’d been having achill night at home.
“The plane they’ve got Kala and Devi on.” Tris walked towardthe conference room, opening his laptop.
TJ looked Landon’s way, his eyes narrowing. “You…”
Cooper shook his head. “He did his job. Devi’s been makingit hard on him.”
“She said she was going to the bathroom,” Landon argued. “Ican’t go in there with her. Well, I did after she stayed there for fifteenminutes. She kept texting that she was having…girl problems. What am I supposedto do with that? By the time I went in and scared the crap out of a couple ofelderly ladies, she’d gone through the window.”
“I’m going to kill my sister,” TJ muttered. “I need to callmy mom and dad. They’re supposed to be on vacation for their anniversary. I getto tell them once again one of their children is in trouble.”