Desire poured through her veins. This was the only placewhere her brain turned off and her body could hold sway. The only place whereshe didn’t need to think about anything but his next touch, the next kiss. Shecould breathe in this place, let go and be a version of herself she neverthought she could be.
The orgasm hit her hard and fast, a wave rolling over herskin. And still he didn’t stop. He kept it up until she came a second time,this one stronger, threatening to become her whole world.
Then he stood, his eyes dark on her and his lips glistening.He stared at her while his hands worked the fly of his jeans, and he pushedthem off and over his hips. He tossed them aside and moved into place betweenher legs. His big hand stroked his cock. “Come here.”
She brought her torso up, and his free hand wrapped aroundthe nape of her neck, dragging her in for a long kiss. She could taste herselfon him, his tongue diving deep as his cock started to invade. He stretched heras he thrust in, his tongue sliding along hers. Connection. This was theconnection she’d longed for. With him. She’d spent so much of her life worriedshe was cursed and weird because she never had these feelings for anyone buthim. Now it would be the joy of her life.
His hands moved, cupping her hips and holding her in placewhile he started to fuck her with power and precision. He tilted his pelvis andmanaged to hit her clit with every thrust. And whatever place inside that onlyhe could light up. Her hands found his back, sinking in.
He held her close, only pulling away as far as it took tomake it feel good. Her legs wrapped around him, nails sinking into his back.She couldn’t stand to be even an inch away from him. She kissed his neck,needing every bit of her skin touching his.
Her whole body tightened as she was blasted with pleasure.Cooper stiffened and she felt him come, sparking even greater sensation. Heheld her tight even as they both came down.
When she laid back, he moved with her.
“Forgive me,” he whispered against her breast. “I was dumband mad and took it out on the one person I never should.”
On the safest person. He’d done it because she was safe.People weren’t perfect. Sometimes when overwhelmed, the way they asked for helplooked like a fight. She could get that. “Forgiven. And babe, forgive me forbeing a big old scaredy cat and running away the first fight we have.”
His head tilted up, a satisfied grin on his face.“Forgiven.”
He pushed himself up and immediately slid his arms underher, hauling her against his chest. It seemed to be his go-to move.
She liked it.
“Let’s take this to the privacy rooms. We don’t have longbefore one of the subs will be here to set up for tomorrow. I’m pretty sureit’s Devi’s week, so she’ll be hauling a bodyguard with her, and I’d like toavoid Landon seeing you all sexed up and hot as hell,” Cooper said as hestarted for the stairs.
She was all for it but heard the beep that let her know thealarm was being reset. “I think she came early.”
“What the…”
Nope. It was totally her dad, and he was carrying a bag fromher favorite bakery. It was sweet. Her dad had come back to try to persuade herwith chocolate croissants.
Or he’d drugged them and this was his kidnapping play. Asucky thing to do, but she wouldn’t put it past him if he thought she wasleaving.
He turned, but she could see he’d put a hand to his mouth.To stem the vomit. Well, he’d walked into a sex club.
“Hey, Dad, you should leave the croissants. We’re planningon having a lot of sex,” Kala announced. “Unless you drugged them. Then youshould give them to Seth. Didn’t Lou tell you Cooper showed up?”
“She left that part out,” her dad said. “She told me aboutBen making an appearance, and I thought it might be a good time to try to talkto you again. Lou thought that was a great idea. Boomer should have spanked hermore. I take it you two are okay, and why the hell would I drug you?”
“We’re good,” Cooper replied, and there was a light in hiseyes as he looked down at her. He was having fun. “And she thinks you weregoing to lock her up until she came to her senses. It’s cool. I figured outanother way. I don’t know why you and Dad always tell me my dick is stupid. Itwas very smart this time.”
Her father dropped the bag. “I need a drink. And I wouldn’tdrug you. I would trick you into the cage. Take care of her and…”
“We don’t need a condom,” Cooper called out. “We’re going tohave the kids call you Grumpa.”
Her dad sighed and strode out the door again. Like she wouldget tricked. Maybe if there were chocolate croissants. Or pizza.
Cooper laughed and started for the stairs again.
“Hey,” she said.
He turned and lowered her close enough to grab the bag oftreats her father had so thoughtfully brought her.
They would need some energy. They could get pizza later.
She snuggled close as he carried her to the privacy rooms.