Page 103 of No More Spies

He stepped in close and kissed her, sure now that everythingwould be all right.

“I need you to hold me,” she said, her breath hitching.

He knew how hard it was for her to ask for affection, foranything really. He had her out of the bondage in a heartbeat and turned heraround, pulling her back against his chest. He had to be careful with theclamps that still decorated her gorgeous body. He wrapped her up while shecried. Told her he loved her over and over. Promised it would all be all right.

Her head fell back, arms coming up to cup the back of hisneck. “I love you, too. Even though you’re an asshole and my nipples have gonenumb.”

He felt a smile spread across his face. “Well, my love,we’ll have to do something about that.”


It felt so good to cry, but now that she’d done it, therewas another feeling she wanted to experience again. Love. The physical kind.He’d done everything she’d needed him to do. She believed him. She wouldn’tquestion him again, and she’d said the hard truth.

She could work on it. She could do anything if this man waswith her.

You’re the damn sun.

The words had done something to her, opened some placeinside her that had always been closed and locked away. If she was the sun, itwas time to do some glowing.

After he got the damn clamps off her.

Cooper stood in front of her, the sweetest smile on hisface. And his gloriously masculine body on display. He reached over and toyedwith one of the jewels hanging off her nipples.

Kala yelped. Nope. Not as numb as she’d thought.

Cooper chuckled and dropped to his knees. “Do I get to tellour subs this story?”

Their subs. She’d always thought he would eventually leaveand she would have to deal with them on her own, but it was kind of like theyhad a bunch of puppies they’d adopted and now she got to keep them. “I willmurder you.”

She had a rep to keep up, after all.

He winked and leaned in, his eyes turning up to look at her.“Understood, baby.”

Then his hand came up and she gritted her teeth as hereleased the clamp and the blood surged back in. Pain bit through her but hismouth was on her, his tongue soothing the pain. Though she had to admit, thepain did something for her, too. It went straight to her pussy.

She might have some switch in her. The sight of Cooper onhis knees in front of her got her motor going. She let her hands come up,stroking through his silky hair. He was so fucking gorgeous. Another snap ofpain as he released the second clamp and then tongued and soothed her poor,irritated nipple.

How had she ever lived without this connection? She’d neverviewed sex the way her sisters and friends did. She’d always known it would besacred for her, and only with him. “Say it again.”

His head tilted up and he smiled at her. “I love you.”

Three words that should send her screaming, but they werefrom him so it was okay. “I love you.”

“You better because the things I’m about to do to youabsolutely require love.” He stood and before she could protest, he picked herup, cradling her to his chest.

Yeah, she thought that was hot, too. “You can’t pick me upwhenever you want to.”

“Watch me,” he replied with a grin.

Damn, but it was good to see him looking happy. All the morebecause she was the reason for it. She put the smile on his face. “Are youserious about getting married?”

He reached his destination—a padded table that was the exactright height to fuck on. Her whole body tightened with anticipation as he sether down, lying her back on the table. “Yes. We can go on Monday. I think wehave to wait three days, but that’s enough time to plan a party for after.Spread your legs.”

There was only the tiniest part of her that chafed at theorder. The larger part of her knew what he was about to do and heartily agreed.She spread her legs and allowed him to lean over and get his mouth close to herpussy.

His big hands pressed her legs wider, and she damn near camefrom the first lick of that talented tongue. How did he do this to her over andover and it always felt new and exciting? And safe. She was so safe with thisman.

He dove in, fucking her with his strong tongue while he heldher legs open for his feast.