“Tie me up, and let’s get some tears out of me, baby.”
* * * *
Cooper stared down at her, the sight so fucking beautiful tohis eyes. Kala was naked and bound. And she wasn’t spitting bile his way. Shewas calm and collected.
“Are you sure?” He didn’t want to push her in any way shewasn’t fully on board for. “I’ve told you in the past. I don’t need this. Wecan play and top subs together and then fuck like wild cats. I don’t need foryou to submit to me.”
“I think I need to submit to myself, Coop. I know it soundsweird, but I can’t cry. I need to. I want to. I want to find that place where Ican forgive, but I don’t think I can until I let this poison out of my system.This works for my mom and my sisters. I’m never going to be your sub, walkingaround on the dungeon floor and calling you Master, but I might need this. AndI’ll only ever accept it from you.”
She was going to get him all kinds of emotional. This. Thiswas what he’d always wanted. This was why every bit of pain he’d felt was worthit. His mother was wrong. He didn’t want her to change. He didn’t want her toleave her world and come to his. He just wanted to be on the inside with her.“Excellent. Then while we’re working through your issues, we’ll deal with acouple of mine, too. I have you all tied up, gorgeous. Nowhere to run. So guesswhat? We’re going to talk.”
Her jaw dropped. “That is evil.”
Oh, but he was the top right now. He reached over and rolledone tight nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He’d selected the apparatusin the center of the main room. It was a nice setup, with drop down adjustablechains for the sub’s wrists and more on the floor where he’d bound her ankles.Gabe had taken a very literal definition of dungeon when designing thisparticular part of the club. It was dark and medieval looking. They’d torturedmany a submissive right here, but he never thought he’d see her like this. Shewas stretched out and utterly helpless. He had access to every inch of herbody, from that glorious mouth of hers to her breasts and ass, and that pussyhe loved to play with. He reached down and toyed with the piercing on her clit.“Want to tell me the story of how my virgin bride ended up with a hoodpiercing?”
Her lips curled up in the hottest smile. “Coop, if that ishow you ask me to marry you, I’m saying yes.”
No grand gestures for his girl. Making a big deal out of itwould cause her anxiety and stress. She was all about the little things, thedaily shows of love and affection. “We’re going to the courthouse Monday. Nomuss, no fuss. Party it up this weekend because you’re going to be a marriedwoman next week. Now, story.”
He touched that ball that sat on her clit and watched herbreath hitch.
“This is supposed to be about me crying it out,” shecomplained.
As he was acting as her Dom for the next hour, he had nochoice what to do next. He brought his hand down on her ass. Hard. One and thentwo and three. She shuddered. “And we’ll get to that. It’s going to take morethan pain to push you. The good news? You’ve come to the right place. We’regoing to work through some things, you and I. Story. Now.”
“Fine.” There was some of the fire he’d expected. “I got itso I could feel something. I don’t know why I’m not normal, but I didn’t have alot of sexual feelings.”
He slapped her ass again. “We’re not using that wordanymore. There is no normal. There is you and me and how we are. You are aperfectly made Kala Taggart.”
Her gaze seemed to darken. “I am so far from perfect.”
He sighed because damn, but she looked perfect to him. Helet his fingers trace the graceful line of her spine. “We all have things wewant to work on. But I need to make one thing very, very clear to you. You arethe best partner I could possibly have. I do not want some sweet thing who’llhave my babies and make my lunch and never complain. I want you. I want to loveyou and fight with you and grow old with you. If you decide you want them, Iwant to raise a couple of the weirdest kids in the world and make them callyour dad Grumpa.”
Her eyes were suddenly shining. He’d known it would takewords to get to her. Words she couldn’t shut out or ignore. “I’m scared I won’tbe a good mom.”
Another swat and then another until he counted out ten.“You’re already an excellent parent.”
“What does that mean?”
“You take care of your subs. You take care of your cousins.You take care of your siblings and ask very, very little in return. The troubleis you think the only way you could possibly be a parent is to be the idealvision of what society thinks of as a mom. You’re not the most openlyaffectionate person. You don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. You probablywill tell our kid to walk it off if he or she falls down. It’s okay. I’ll bethere.”
Her jaw dropped. “Oh, shit. I’m the dad.”
He moved in, framing her face with his hands. “We’re goingto be the parents we’re going to be, and it will work, baby. We’re going tothrow out every expectation except one.”
A tear fell on her cheek. “What’s that?”
This was the most important rule of all. “That we will neverleave the other behind.”
He stepped in close to her and turned her around so she wasin front of him. He’d taken off his shirt and shoes and socks but still worejeans. They wouldn’t be on for too long. He pressed his chest against her back,wrapping an arm around her waist. “I know sometimes you try to drift away, butI’ll always bring you home to me. I promise you. I won’t ever leave you alone.You are not merely more than enough for me. You are my whole fucking world.”
Her head fell back. “I think we can skip the tears. Let’sget to the sex.”
Oh, she wasn’t getting off that easily. No way. He steppedback and reached in his kit. Luckily, he left it here in his locker at the clubsince this was where they played. He pulled out a thing he’d thought he wouldnever use. Nipple clamps. Beautiful ones he’d purchased with her in mind. Hewould never use them on anyone else. They were for her.
He brought them around and showed them to her. Prettyalligator clamps with jewels that matched the one on her clit. “First, I get todress you.”