Page 46 of Beautiful Beast

“Erik, if you cannot control your wife, then I cannot make an alliance with you. I’m going to the restroom to clean up my shirt. When I return, things better be resolved.” He storms away.

Erik turns to me. “Seriously?”

I hold my chin high. “Yes. I will do whatever I can to keep Nadia safe, and if that means pissing you and Viktor off so you won’t become partners, then I’ll do it.”

“Anya, I am trying to make a deal with Viktor to prevent Dante from attacking. I’m doing this to help keep you safe.”

“You don’t care about my safety.”

“I do, in fact. I might not love you, Anya, but you are my wife, and that doesn’t mean I want you dead. And if Dante were to come after you, who’s to say he wouldn’t come after Nadia? Having a powerful husband will keep her safe. Think about that. And have you even asked what your sister wants?”

“I know she doesn’t want to marry a stranger, especially one who could hurt her.”

“Who’s to say Viktor would even hurt her?”

“I know Bratva men. I know how dangerous you can be.”

“Just stop,” Nadia whispers.

I turn to face her. “What?”

“If it keeps you safe, Anya, I’ll marry whoever.”

“What? No! It’s my job to keepyousafe.”

“What if I want the chance to keep you safe?”

Our father rolls his eyes. “How very touching girls, but both of you are getting on my last fucking nerves. Nadia, put a smile on your face, and Anya, stop acting out.”

“Or what?” I challenge him.

He storms around to my side of the table and pulls me roughly from my seat, and right in front of everyone, backhands me across the face.

The smack hurts so much, my ears ring.

“You will not make a fool out of me,” he hisses, shaking me. “You will be nice to Viktor. And he will agree to marry your sister in exchange for becoming an ally. Now, stop acting like a spoiled brat.”

Erik stands up. “Sergei, let go of my wife.”

“I’m sorry, Erik, for how my daughter has acted.”

“I didn’t ask for an apology. I told you to let go of her.”

My father shoves me back as he releases me. Erik has to catch me as I stumble. The difference between my father’s rough hands and Erik’s gentler ones is a stark contrast. I never thought I’d feel an ounce of comfort in Erik’s hands, yet …

“She needed to be taught a lesson.”

“You will never hit my wife again. Is that understood?”

My father’s jaw drops. “But she’s my daughter. I have a right.”

“Not anymore.” Erik’s voice is barely above a rumble. “I’m her husband now. You don’t own her, Sergei. And you will not hit her ever again. Now, why don’t we all sit down and conduct ourselves accordingly? Anya, think about what I said. A marriage to Viktor for Nadia doesn’t have to be a terrible thing. The fact that he didn’t want to marry her because she’s a minor should tell you he at least has a code. You knew she would getmarried someday. This way, you can get to know the man she’ll marry if Viktor agrees. You can see for yourself that not all of us Bratva men are monsters.”

“I guess I should’ve married Viktor, then,” I snap.

“Then Nadia would have become my wife, and I know that would’ve killed you even more.”

“Don’t touch my sister.”