“How has Anya been? Making you happy, I hope?”
“Seeing as we’re still partners, Sergei, she hasn’t pissed me off yet.”
He visibly relaxes into his seat. “That’s good, that’s good. You know, Erik, if for some reason Anya doesn’t please you, I do have my other daughter, Nadia.”
“Are you offering me your other daughter?”
“I want to keep our alliance strong. I’m just putting it out there.”
“Isn’t she only seventeen?”
“She is. But you could wait until she was eighteen. It’s only a year away.”
I chuckle. God, Sergei is a weird, little man. Most powerful people are weird and little. “I don’t want your other daughter, Sergei. I’m more than content with Anya, trust me. But I do have an idea. We could use Nadia to gain another ally.”
“Viktor Smirnov.”
Sergei blinks, then coughs into his fist before smiling. But when he realizes I’m not joking, he roughly shakes his head. “Viktor Smirnov is not a man to be messed with. He prefers to be left alone. No one has worked with him in years. How would he be a good ally to us?”
“Because he has money. He’s one of the wealthiest Bratva men in the city. You know it. I know it. Having an ally with money would be beneficial. More money for guards. More money for an army to take Dante down. If I were you, I’d consider marrying Nadia to Viktor.”
“But I’ve never even met him. Who says he’d even want my daughter? Nadia is a beautiful girl, but she’s quiet. Reserved. She doesn’t stand out in a crowd.”
“I didn’t marry Anya because she stands out in a crowd. I married her to gain power with you, Sergei. Viktor might be interested in the same. I’ll reach out to him and set up a meeting.” I pause. “Though, I doubt Anya will be happy about this.”
Sergei scoffs. “What does it matter what Anya wants? She doesn’t get a say in her sister’s life.”
“Oh, I know. But she thinks she does. And I know she won’t be happy about Nadia being married off to a stranger. I’m goingto have to deal with her attitude when I tell her. That will be … interesting.” Maybe another chance to spank her, perhaps? The idea of spanking Anya again excites me. Her body and presence excites me.
“So, don’t tell her.”
I blink. “Why wouldn’t I? She’ll want to know what happens to her sister.”
“Anya doesn’t need to know anything. It’s for your own benefit you keep things from her. Otherwise, she’ll just cause problems. Mark my words.”
I stare down at Sergei, taking in his squinty eyes and wrinkled forehead. He always looks so … angry.
“Sergei, do you beat your daughters?”
He coughs. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Just answer the question.”
“I may have disciplined Anya a few times. But nothing she didn’t deserve, trust me. But I don’t beat my daughters. I’m not a fucking monster.”
“Oh. Well, I am. So, good to know one of us is. I was just checking.”
“Because the more information I have on Anya, the better.” I give Sergei a grin. “Let’s talk more. Contact Ivan, and I’ll contact Viktor. Let’s become unstoppable.”
I leave Sergei behind as I contemplate his words. It’s obvious from his answer that he really did beat Anya. I can tell she’s not making that up for sympathy—not when she gave in to my spanking. She’s used to pain.
For just a moment, I feel a flicker of guilt that I’m going to cause her more pain by using her sister to gain power.
But that flicker of guilt only lasts a second before I push it away.