My father forces Erik and me out of the house in a polite but firm way. It’s only for Erik’s benefit. If it were just me, he probably would’ve beat me senseless.
“So, you saw your sister,” Erik says on the drive back to his house.
“I did.”
“If she just stays out of our father’s way, she might be ok. But, Erik, she’s not safe there. Can she come live with us?”
“She’s a minor. She belongs with her father. So, no.”
“But if she weren’t a minor, could she live with us?”
“We’ve been married a day, and already, you’re making demands?”
“Not a demand,” I say. “A question. Answer me honestly.”
“I have no interest in taking on a charity case. You’re my wife, Anya. Your sister means nothing to me.”
“I mean nothing to you?”
He glances at me, then sets his eyes back on the road. “Exactly. You’re my wife, but that doesn’t mean I care for you. Don’t make that mistake again.”
I flinch. He can be so cold sometimes.
“Why did you not put a fight when I spanked you?”
“Why does that matter? You don’t care about me.”
“I’m just intrigued. Most women would have screamed and begged me to stop, but you didn’t. Why?”
“You want the truth?” There’s no point in denying it. Keeping things from Erik or letting him know more about me doesn’t change anything. I’ll still get hurt. Nadia will still get hurt. “My father would beat me constantly. I’m used to pain. I’ve learned how to work through it. Spanking my ass was nothing compared to what he’s done to me.”
Erik’s hands clench the steering wheel, but I’m not sure why. Upset that he didn’t hurt me more? Or … upset that my father has hurt me?
It’s probably the first one, but I let myself believe for a second that it could be the latter.
Sergei and I meet up for drinks at the bar I own.
“How are things going with my daughter? It’s been a few days now.”
It has been, and during that time, Anya and I have mostly avoided each other. I can’t let myself become too fascinated with her. Becoming fascinated with someone makes them a weakness, and I can’t have any weaknesses.
After she told me how her father used to beat her and how my spanking was nothing to her, it pissed me off. That was a signal I can’t get too close to her.
“Anya is a fine wife. She’ll do.”
“I expect grandchildren by the end of the year.”
“You’ll get grandchildren when you get them,” I snap. “I’m not a man you rush, Sergei. You know this about me. I’m not some small pup you’ve taken under your wing. I’m your business partner.”
“You’re right. I just want to build my family’s legacy.”
“And you’ll get it in time. Now, we’re here to discuss business. So, let’s discuss.”
The door to my bar opens and in walks two men in black suits. Both young, twenties or thirties. One has reddish brown hair and the other one has jet black hair, but it’s unmistakable that they’re related.